U.S. Army prepares for War with China and Congress is EXCITED about it | Redacted w Clayton Morris



Russia and China will be forced to teach the US a lesson if the acts of aggression don’t stop.

This isn’t 1989 and Russia isn’t the USSR! We got all of these geriatric uni-party necons in charge they are stuck in the past while the military industrial complex continues to ride the gravy train. If all the war effort was put into taking care of America, we all would prosper


  1. The only reason our government is supposedly excited about a major war is because when ever there’s a major war the country usually sticks with who ever is president. The Civil War, Lincoln was president when it started and was re-elected while the war was still going on. WW1, even though the US wasn’t militarily involved until 1917, Wilson was president when the war started in 1915. His re-election slogan, in 1916, was “he kept us out of war” turned out to be all bullshit by 1917. FDR was president when the first shots were fired by Italy and Japan in 1937 and Germany in 1939. We all know that by 12-7-’41 the US was thrust into the war and in 1944 FDR won his re-election, even though he wasn’t physically fit to hold the office anymore (sounds like someone we all know today with the current idiot in the Whitehouse). But the stupid dummycrats fail to learn from history that even though Harry S. Truman finished WW2, he was also president when the Korean War broke out and the dummycrats were voted out in 1952 BEFORE the war was over. Even though JFK was president when the first US troops were sent to Viet Nam, it was LBJ who ramped up troop strength to 500,000 and when it became evident he lost the support of the American people and even Walter Cronkite, instead of seeking re-election he quit. So it was the republicans who won in 1968 and it was the republicans, who were re-elected in 1972, who got the US out of Viet Nam in 1973. It’s very clear that a stupid communist loving political party called dummycrats and their shit filled pants stupid leader is the cause of all this world tension and it will be the dummycrat party who suffers in the 2024 election. If the election is stolen this country could break apart and instead of WW3 in might be a new civil war.

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