Ex-CIA: US Pentagon PANICS Over NEW Ukraine Leak



It’s sad that our country is involved in this, and so many Ukrainian and Russian soldiers have died when it could have been avoided altogether.

It seemed to me that prior to the war Russia spelled out very reasonable conditions to prevent conflict. But Old Joe wanted war, and Zelenski wanted the money.


  1. Ukraine’s president Zelinsky is doing the same thing that Biden is doing and that is lining their pockets while Ukrainian die in massive numbers. It’s not just those 2, it is also the puppet masters behind the scene(Obama, Clinton, Soros, piglosi, etc..) that are benefitting from Ukraine’s unwinnable war. Democrats love to piss away American tax dollars on war. It doesn’t matter who nor how many American lives are lost as long as they can use our military and try to police the world while lining their own pockets. We, as American taxpayers, need to put a stop to this maniacal destruction that the current administration has been committing for the past 3+ years. If we don’t we run the risk of WWIII and the end of the US as we know it.

  2. Wow you just waking up to reality.

    I am going to give Zelinsky the benefit of the doubt at least in the beginning?

    As for Biden he needed this war to cover his tracks while the kid, brother and family could exact as much tribute as possible from the Ukrainian aristocrats and there oligarch minions.

    Don’t believe it! Why didn’t Joe give Ukraine the Mig’s, Jets, that NATO was not using early on? These jets would no doubt make the Russian believe that the US and NATO may enter a potential conflict.

    Just review Biden’s history and you will find inept decisions. Feckless is the only word that correctly describes his world policies, with exception of those intended to feather his criminal nest.


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