Hell No! U.S. considers a military DRAFT to build up failing forces | Redacted with Clayton Morris



As a veteran, I absolutely will not for any reason be in this nation’s military again, especially against my will. I’ll fight against this country before I fight for it

I retired 2 years ago after 23 years of military service, I would absolutely volunteer again if OUR Country was under attack by another country, however the biggest threat to our country and Constitution is our own government.


  1. Once again, the stupid worthless idiotic dummycrats don’t learn from history. Only one republican president ever instituted a draft, Lincoln during the Civil War. But the Confederate president, Davis (who was a dummycrat), also instituted a draft. Dummycrat Woodrow Wilson did the same thing for WW1. Dummycrat FDR also did it even though the recruiting offices for the military were overflowing with volunteers. Dummycrat Harry S. Truman did it during the Korean War and dummycrat LBJ did it during the Viet Nam war but took things a step further and lowered the draft age to 18. Before, it was 21. And yet, dummycrat Bill Clinton ran away all the way to Europe to escape the draft. Now stupid senile poopypants Joe want to institute another draft because his stupid actions against the military and the sissy loser fags running the military can’t get enough recruits to fill the ranks while the dummycrats and RINOs are pushing us into another war we are not at all prepared for? LOL!!!!!!!!

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