Why Candace Owens Was REALLY Fired by The Daily Wire



I stopped watching Ben Shapiro when he pretended the 2020 election was legit.

Israel should be in the back seat with everyone else. America First. I’m tired of America, and American citizens, last.


  1. Thank you for exposing your hatred and ignorance about the Middle East. Candace is not a geopolitical expert and her appraisal of Israel was NOT ACCURATE and she was peddling hatred just like the liberal left. Candace is washy washy, and trying to defend Kanye west, a man that is bi polar, is just stupid. Israel is not killing 1000’s of innocents. Israel lists all the terrorists they have killed, AND they were attacked by Hamas on Oct 7th for which 90% of the people support Hamas. Israel gives more back to the US than Ukraine or any other of our enemies that the US supports. Why didn’t Candace call out IRAN?? The US gives them billions, or why didn’t she call out Hamas? How about Syria, who killed 850,000 Arabs??? Actually trying to diminish and make the Palestinians look like victims is absurd. Interview after interview shows the people support the Hamas charter to get rid of Israel and jews around the world. Candace and this host are out of line….

    • As it may be, every one has a right to her or his opinions, and that doesn’t make anyone a hater as you try to paint people that disagree with you! Grow up and allow people to think for themselves as you think for yourself.

    • Candace has been a good voice for America over the years. She is just really ignorant of all the religious dynamics going on there in the M E today and exactly how America is forever tied to them! Ye is just basically ignorant in general!

  2. Got no problem helping other countries in time of need and with in reason. But the USA currently has some big issues here and all of us including our country leaders must be focused 100% on AMERICA FIRST if we are to survive. ARE WE NOT BEING INVADID BY ILLEGALS? DO WE HAVE A SOCIALISTS ADMINISTRATION RUNNING THIS COUNTRY? HOW MANY TRILLIONS IN DEBT AND STILL SPENDING? Candace is right on where our loyalty & focus needs to be – #1. Vote DJT 2024!

    • No she s not, she is simply ignorant of what is actually happening there and how it is all fitting prophecy perfectly!

  3. It is still interesting that the right wing and the left wing both hate Jews, no matter what they do for peace.

  4. I disagree profoundly with Candace Owens on this issue (and the Ukraine issue and a number of other issues), but silencing her is flat out wrong. Regardless of how or where or when you think the US should spend its money, there should be NO disagreement on the sanctity of free speech, even when one may profoundly disagree with some of the views. I believe that our positions are improved and our arguments bolstered when we have exposed ourselves to what I call “the parallax view”. Are there arguments to be made against Israel’s actions? Sure. Can we, who generally support Israel’s stance in this case, benefit from hearing them? Absolutely. Might there even be some advantage to Israel in examining the opinions which criticize what it has done and/or is doing? I believe so. At the very least, we can correct any misapprehensions and more effectively rebut these contrary arguments by reason of having heard them from a source (such as Ms. Owens) whom we generally find credible. I really don’t care to hear Rachel Madcow’s “take” on things because I think she is delusional at best, but Ms. Owens has an established record of reliability and I want to know why she and I feel so differently about this issue. Ben Shapiro should know – and understand that and a reflexive response, such as this seems to be, is uncalled for and unhelpful and, worse, risks dividing the Right at a critical time when we need to draw together against policies far more divisive and dangerous than anything Candace Owens has to say.


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