White Guy Exposes Rap Music Detrimental Impact On Black People and Society



I’m black and have been tired of that gangster babble and jungle noise for years.

I’ve said it before. Fuck culture, well street culture. It destroys. I was caught up in it and it cost me all my 20s. I was 21 when I went down for armed robbery and 32 when I got out. Street culture in all races is detrimental to all who choose that lifestyle. No matter your choice of music. Thank God I was able to rise up and become the first in my family to break the cycle,first and only homeowner and first business owner. It’s possible to rise up. People just need to get their head out the gutter. Hispanic by label. American by birth


  1. Think back. Way back. To The Temptations, Al Green, Junior Walker, James Brown, Aretha, Otis, Marvin Gay. They ALL had something to say, a statement to make, but NEVER needed the derogatory, filthy, hateful, violent language that seems to be the “moral compass” of the AA youth today. I think I can safely say these artists had as many white followers as black. They were romantic, thoughtful, insightful and real and spoke of things we could all relate to. They UNITED us, as all music should. It reaches a place that never fades. They made money, lived as well as they chose to and had an impact on that certain period of time. Today, an old tune comes on and I remember every word, unlike most things I learned decades ago. AND I can still relate, even make an attempt at dancing now and then. HOWEVER… This “stickability” that persists? DO we really want that as a permanent fixture in the mushy brains of today’s youth? Well, folks. It is. It is as engrained in their warped brains and their epitaph will be on their tombstones, if they even can afford a stone. There is no good end to the “music” of today that holds sway in the violence of the minority groups and that is a FACT. A stone FACT.

  2. Me again. What better way to convince a woman that she is nothing than to label her as a ho’, a beatch, puzzee, all the wonderful names in the new music. The last thing she is ever called is a “woman”. Keep her down, keep that boot on her back, keep her stupid, PG, on welfare, and pound it into her head 24/7 via “music.” Indoctrinate her to remember that she is nothing, will never be anything but a vehicle to satisfy some swinging d.


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