Watch Ilhan Omar Scream at Fox Reporter After She Asks This



Calling Hamas terrorists freedom fighters is like calling The Squad a MENSA members.

There is a simple phrase I will say to the world right now…

“You don’t have to be FOR Israel, but you have to be AGAINST terrorism.”


  1. Assholes like her are why Americans are buying more guns than ever before. Our government won’t stop them so we must… And yes, this is not OK with the WOKE, BUT…. F the woke. Somebody shut this btch up. She is fanning the flames. How has she been allowed to stay here, or even……………. ? Well, I cant say it… The FBI will be pounding on my door.

  2. Interesting that no one is reporting that not a single Arab country wants to take in any of the people from Gaza – especially Egypt. So the smallest country in the middle east should let them be – even after 1400 people were murdered.

  3. Ilhan and the so-called Squad just love to put their “spin” on things. I guess they think that the Israeli government should just turn the other cheek. They seem to forget all about the Hamas factor. Just watch. They’ll be pushing to bring in tens of thousands of Palestinians to the good old U.S.A. because we just need another glut of “haters” here in the U.S.A.

  4. Of course, those of us that aren’t willing to accept the unvetted into our society with open arms will be listed as islamophobic no matter how we treat them. Just another example of the let’s ability to use race and ideology against standard American values.

  5. I’d be happy if all of them died! Not the citizens, but all of the terrorists. I might be happy then. I might be satisfied. Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Liberation of Palestine General Command, Hizballah, ISIS, al-Qaeda, Houthis, etc., etc. All of them could be wiped off the face of the earth, Ilhan Aisha Fatima Zara Omar, and I wouldn’t lose a wink of sleep. And if you are a sympathizer, you can be wiped off the face of the earth as well.


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