Watch Host’s Face as Democrat Abandons Idiotic Talking Points



Amazingly Fetterman can speak very clearly when speaking facts.

Liberal recovering from brain damage becomes more conservative There’s definitely some irony in there somewhere.


  1. The problem with leftists is that they knwo their leaders are lying. they are not stupid people. they know it s lie.

    they are just so tied into a social system they requires them to continue to repeat the lies they cannot afford to tell the truth.

    They are literally like high school girls who lie about having sex to be part of the cool kids. then a high school guy takes them on a date expecting sex because they have told everyone they have sex, so the girl has to go along to maintain her cool girl image, the parents find out and next thing you know the high school girl is claiming rape.

    That is the entire leftist mentality in a nutshell.

  2. Are Fetterman’s ears smaller? Can’t keep up with my human facial recognition chores.

    Glad to hear some intelligence from a democrat. SO DAMNED RARE.

    RFK Jr. isn’t too whacko, either.,

    • yeah they had to find, make, a new fetterman the old one died in the hospital 9 months ago.

      This one did not grow up as a trust fund baby so he doe snot have the stupid leftist indoctrination as much as the old one.

  3. Honestly I doubted his recovery in the beginning. But, you can see it. It’s like a spark or twinkle in his eyes. He is a born again man. And very much Conservative this time around.

  4. LOL!!! The dummycrat cheated for this freak thinking they’d get a brain dead robot that would do anything he’s told. Now he’s recovering and he’s not being such a good brain dead robot anymore. Stupid old senile poopypants Joe sure failed on this one.

  5. Even fetterman knows the democrat party is a corrupt screwed up mess.

    If your still thinking of voting for any democrats you are less intelligent then a massive stroke victim.


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