Lord have mercy. This woman is another example of how the race card is way too overplayed and the word racist along with the word racism means absolutely nothing now.

Why does it seem like a lot of black women in power are crooked lately? What’s going on?


  1. Has Fani been keeping in-touch with former Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby, who got Covid loans to purchase 2 vacation homes in Florida. Just found guilty by Robt. Hur. Something isn’t right, as she has a (D) next to her name? This month she learn’s her fate. Probably suspended from job for 30 days and must pay the loan payments on time. She just got divorced from hubby who’s the head city council. Or was this to protect the cash?

    • Yes, but did you know that Mosby has been crying to Joy Reid and begging for a presidential pardon. She tried to prosecute 6 police officers the minute she got “elected” for killing a scumbag drug dealer. They fortunately got off, but the damage was done, and Baltimore has been hemorrhaging police ever since. Do you know that the blacks voted for her “because she cute”. this is what is voting into this trash into office, because they just vote for the candy coating. Just look at congress!

  2. Surprise surprise Willis playing the race card. Whenever many people who are members of a protected class are caught breaking the law or not performing their jobs etc., they fall back on racism in order to garner sympathy and to get a free pass. Fani pack deserves everything being thrown at her. She can dish it out but cannot take it.

  3. Fani is a disgrace to ALL women. A liar is always a liar and time will not be in er favor. All it takes is lover boy to tell the truth and it will be all over for Fani. Women fout for being recognized for abilities in Corporate world and Fani is destroying it.

  4. She is not a disgrace to me, first of all she is not the women i grew-up with and the women i have known in my life. She doesn’t the women of the world. She comes from a different world. Every time someone speaks-up with regards to the African black race, they have to be careful with to what they say, or they will be deemed as racist. But it’s okay for them curse and call causations names. When they want to get away with crimes, all they have to do is cry racism. My grandfather left his beautiful country of Scotland to educate them in Africa and to bring a civilized society for them. Was that racist? I don’t think so! My granddad, went back there, they are still haven’t learned anything. When it comes to slavery, we didn’t start slavery, it was their own Africans who sold them into slavery. Also, the main Europeans involved in Slavery were France, Spain, Portugal, and Holland or the Netherlands. I would like to suggest that they read the history of Slavery in schools instead of CRT and all those other lies and they are teaching kids in schools today. Knowledge is Power. Period!! I am sick and tired of their lazy pea brain asses. You can’t charge them with any crime because it’s racist and you owe them because of slavery. That’ BS! Work hard, obey the law, respect yourselves and you will be respected. Thank you!

    • you know how you know Africans are mostly mostly low IQ lazy people? they supposedly had a million year head start of creating a civilization. most of the rest of the world was supposedly only populated for the last 100000 years or so.

      Yet african is still uncivilized and the rest of the world has been through countless round of civilization improvements.

    • Amen sister. The missionaries that go over there to teach and even offer birth control to save the babies that are born are in a vicious circle, because the minute they leave they go right back to old behaviors. You cannot teach anyone when you have democrats giving away the keys to the kingdom for a welfare check and we all know who is the most gullible to that bribery.

  5. This woman should be disbarred. I went back and watched old clips of her tearing Trump apart before she even won. What a crooked woman. Black women always calls racism if all else fails. She thinks screaming at a Judge, not telling the truth, and using funds inappropriately is not enough to show how totally stupid she is. It’s not racism, it’s just plain out stupidity.

  6. Have no mercy on this corrupt bitch who thought she would get away with anything because she’s black. Fani pack Willis should be disbarred and thrown in prison.

  7. well well well looky here fani willis in another criminal action.

    this fat scum soros leftist is as criminal as it gets. why hasn’t the governor of Georgia call for her resignation yet? why hasn’t she been disbarred? Why is she still walking free.

    her mommy and daddy raised a criminal. that’s why the money is in the mattress. can’t pull stole money in the bank

  8. Not all are an embarrassment to their race. Just the ones with mental or ego problems and sad to say some think that they have an excuse to hide behind their nationality. Sad to say these people don’t even realize it’s integrity that they lack.


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