Tucker Carlson BANNED From Re-Entering USA For Interviewing Putin? Leftists MELTDOWN Being EXPOSED!



I’d like to see Tucker fly from Russia to Mexico and illegally cross the border into America just to prove a point!

You cannot ban a US citizen from entering the country. He’s a journalist and has every right to travel and interview anyone he wants. Interviewing putin is not a crime.


  1. No way is that possible,this criminal administration as corrupt as they cannot stop an American citizen from entering the country

  2. Proof that these leftists can’t handle the truth and must eliminate opposite viewpoints. They are the ones to be removed from the country.

  3. Gun control, free speech denial, Jounalists banned, political opponents attacked. When did we become a Communist country?

  4. Now the left wants to stop free press. The left is afraid of the truth and can’t handle it. The left wants no American Constitution. We have no democracy from the left, only fascism.

  5. This administration just lost their puppet leader, his own DOJ says he is a fraile,feeble,senile,old,man,that can’t remember anything, so the law wouldn’t prosecute charges,Can u believe this,this ridiculous senile,old,fool has no business running for re=election,he is mentally unfit,by the horses mouth.He belongs in the old folks home,not in the white house,laugh out loud,how crazy these commie dumbocraps are.See ya joe.

  6. The left is going crazy! This is beyond the fray! This is essentially mutinous in nature. They are wanting all their opponents removed who attempt to provide the truth! Soon, all America will be ostracized and no longer able to live in this country. What will the left do then? There will be far fewer persons to tax to continue with their insane social programs. Its time Patriots come together, rid the party of all RINO’s/wacko leftists, and start making sensible decisions.

  7. Its all part of the democrats destroying democracy and the liberals destroying liberty.

    It is not communism. it is what all communist countries become: totalitarian. whether you talk about BLM, Antifa, Democrats, progressives, leftist (liberals) it is all totalitarianism. the little followers are just to dam stupid to see what is in their faces.

  8. Carlson has NEVER BEEN A SUPPORTER OF DEMOCRACY. His “cozying” up to Putin just further reinforces that comment. Banning him from the USA may be extreme – BUT, denying him any access to media and publicity would be ENTIRELY IN DEMOCRACY’S BEST INTERESTS. Carlson is a conspiracy theorist, MAGA lemming, liar of extreme proportions, and totally without scruples; absolutely worthless.

  9. Funny you didn’t stop Hillary or any of her crew from coming back after trying to set trump up with Russia. Lol if he wants inhe can just walk across our open borders, dumb azz

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