This Was F*cking Disgusting



The Met Gala is horse crap

a ticket for the met gala was 75k. the average salary needed to buy a house is 110k. The met gala is the hunger games and its grotesque


  1. This just goes to show that elitists and Hollywood doesn’t give a crap about average people, so long as they can get together in hideous costumes and overpriced designer “clothes: and rub it in your face. But you all keep falling for it hook, line and sinker. Stop going to their ridiculous overpriced movies and buying their books. Save your money and they won’t have any.

  2. It’s this worthless generation zeer.Spending all their money on these anti.American terrorist because most generation zears are anti american terrorists

  3. It’s this worthless generation z.Spending all their money on these anti.American terrorist because most generation z are anti american terrorists

  4. Celebrity worship crap has been going on since the 20’s, maybe even earlier. But each generation that has continued the worship is equally at fault. But I reserve most blame to the greedy and immoral
    “Media-Governmental Complex” to paraphrase President Eisenhower.

  5. By God, Lad, but that was a damn fine screed, particularly that part between (approx) the 4:00 and 5:30 marks. I don’t think I’ve heard a more convincing and inflaming rant since Shakespeare’s Marc Antony eulogized Caesar – followed quite nicely by the equivalent injunction to “cry Havoc and let slip the dogs of war…” And young Mr. Brand is right – we sit, if not passively, then certainly impotently, while our rights and lives and livelihoods are bought and sold by our self-proclaimed betters, all while the plutocrats and their minions expect us to be distracted and over-awed by the likes of Cardi-B and her ridiculous 18′ train. I’m far from a Marxist, but I must say, by the end of it, I was ready to storm the Winter Palace, gun in hand and blood in the eyes. Regrettably, as a long life long student of history, it all feels so… “inevitable”. Every society seems to trace the same trajectory, wherein the ancient egalitarianism of the Germanic “Althing” gives way to the sneering power grab epitomized by the Vase of Soissons. It happened to the Athenians and their sortition and to Rome and its Senate and Tribunate. It took the British most of 800 years to betray the Magna Carta but we Americans did it to our Constitution in less than 250 years, while the Canadians are ahead even of us in a mere 170 years. It will take a radical change in our attitudes to avoid joining the trash heap of history, but all I see is a mindless mob energized only by fake alarms cooked up by those who would distract us for their own benefit, palliating their efforts with pretty people wearing pretty clothes at gilded gatherings.

  6. These are the Trump haters. The Robert DeNiros. But don’t worry, when things go south, the hordes coming north to LA from the Mexican border will go after these elites that love them coming here. They will go into their gated communities, and no guards will be there, and police won’t come. I no longer watch these Hollywood airheads that must throw parties and give each other awards. Most of them but John Voight and James Wood hate this country.

  7. Quit voting for people that are stupid and hate the country. Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Harris, The Squad, and others simply care about hiding their lies and incompetence. No value system except money. Could careless about real Americans that work hard to better the country. Not destroy it. Do your research of what have they done in the past. Career politicians continually push bad policies.


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