This is turning our children into WEAK losers Study says | Redacted w Natali and Clayton Morris



Give a kid a label and they’ll prove you right by living up to it

Kids need discipline, responsibility, consequences and consistency in the application of those things. They need to learn to go without, wait for gratification, build endurance, perseverance, fight there own battles, solve problems, figure out solutions, make commitments and held to uphold them, do for others without being compensated……..the list is long but these things build character and coping skills to deal with life !!!!


  1. This mess was caused by the dummycrat run school system over the last 50 years. All this crap about self esteem, do your own thing, safe spaces, and crying rooms have turned these kids into cry babies. Think about what life was like for kids in the 19th century and most of the 20th century. Would today’s kids be able to live on the barren prairie of the 19th century or cope with the rampant diseases around with little to no medical help and the hardship of living in the south during the Civil War? How about the great depression or the dust bowl of the southwest USA? Then living through WW2 hearing about adult friends and relatives dying fighting Germans and Japanese and having to live with just the bare essentials because everything produced went into the war effort. Then there’s the threat of an all out nuclear war with the USSR and how close we came during the Cuban Missile Crises. Today’s kids are spoiled rotten sissies that can’t handle the slightest thing that goes wrong in their lives. They’d better get a grip on reality because stupid senile poopypants Joe is trying his hardest to wreck this country while he and his crappy family and the leaders of his crappy political party live high and mighty while everyone else is plunged into the worst poverty imagined. Send these sissy punks to a 3rd world hell hole country to live there for a year and they’ll find out just how hard life can be.


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