RECAP of Biden’s State of the Union Speech | Lots of Trump hate



I, my family and all of my friends are voting TRUMP!

TRUMP 2024!! SUPER MAGA!!! FJB,AND Harris!!


  1. Joe continues to demonstrate that he is nothing more than a sock-puppet with the hand of the deep state shoved up his ass and making his toothless mouth move. He was late, waiting for the hit of coke to kick in. When it did, he finally showed up and was so wired he was about to jump out of his skin. Delusional, loud, bumbling, derogatory, self-impressed that he didn’t fall over, or shit his diaper. Look in his eyes… There is nothing and nobody there. He isolated, degraded, slandered over half of the USA. HE HATES us, He HATES America, just like Obama. He is only speaking to half of the country, only pushing his agenda to those who take the bait. He is desperate, and is using abortion as his last stand. FAce it. NOBODY , NO WOMAN wants an abortion. Nobody has sex saying I sure hope I get knocked up so I can go get aborted. THis is a hot button issue, the only one they have. Any woman will understand that abortion was around from the beginning of time, and will continue legal or not, so how did we get by without it being legal, and….. BTW.. now that Birth Control is widely available nobody should need to worry about getting PG. Make it free and available to all women… you all on the RIGHT take a good look at this point, and take Joey’s only edge away from him. He buys votes… The right needs to find a sway with women… THIS IS it.. like it or not… This is the truth. He is counting on this , just like in the mid terms, it will make or break the women’s vote in certain areas. Make or break the MAGA agenda. Don’t lose the war over a single battle. PAY ATTENTION..and do something about it.


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