Mike Johnson Makes PREDICTION On Fox News – You Won’t Believe It!



Im Canadian but I would vote for President Donald Trump in a New York minute. Drain the swamp. God bless.

In 2016 and 2020 I voted for Trump and in 2024 I will vote again for Trump!


  1. Do NOT like this format where I have to watch 13 minutes of fluff to get a minute’s worth of news.

    You should offer a text version alongside so it can be skimmed as desired.

  2. Idiot democRATS and your special needs brain dead leader Bidumb, keep the crooked DOJ on trump your doing well getting him elected and your to stupid to know it losers

    • You are a disrespectful monster, brainwashed by the democrat traitors, GTH you horrible person, go to the Gaza strip and don’t come back traitor!!!

  3. I will vote for TRUMP in a jail I will vote for TRUMP surrounded by corrupt fbi I will vote for TRUMP surrounded by corrupt Cia I will vote for TRUMP if I have to scratch Biden off the ballot and write in TRUMP I will vote for TRUMP I will I will

  4. Mike Johnson is a loser who bows to the democrats and gives them everything they want while he pretends to be conservative.
    Watch what he does not what he says

    • Even Trump in his first presidency was into government growth. Unfortunately, both parties are responsible for lobbyists writing the laws and payoffs are common to legislators. This time, Trump should have learned to eliminate several cabinet departments and drain as much of the federal swamp leadership as possible. Johnson is no worse than his Republican predecessors and better than the Democrat ones unless one goes back several decades.

      As to the independents voting for Trump, I heard a couple interviews with so called Independents and they now don’t want to vote for a felon as absurd that is. In three NY trials, Trump has been proven guilty without being permitted to prove his innocence. He owes almost $90 million to a nutcase for defamation who became more popular because of her lawsuits with unsubstantiated decade old claims wherein Bill Cosby paid about $4.4 million to two women among others who were drugged and raped. The false real estate valuation trial had him pronounced guilty by the judge prior to trial to determine the sentence-disgorgement of $1/2 billion now and possibly his NYC empire he built with 10,000 employees. The majority of Americans are uninterested in politics. They aren’t tuned into what’s happening other than the economy, immigration and abortion rights. They prefer working and entertainment (sports).

  5. All above comments prove that all citizens think they are the owner of this site or own and run Mike Johnson. What are any of you doing to help America except mouth off? Keep doing what you are and we will be obliterated to smithereens! Traitors!

  6. Thier is no fear but fear itself
    Using fear as a tactic does the opposite effect it makes people angry and willing to fight the good cause they know it will get worst if they don’t Americans are not stupid like the illegals they run from instead of fighting the good fight they are lazy and will not work or fight for thier freedom they are slaves to the elitist or they are criminals escaping the jail cell so demonrats yall should read true history instead of burning it down it won’t go like you think

  7. The thing in this clown court that teed me off is that they didn’t let the defense call witnesses that in itself is against the Constitution, then to actually tell the Trump lawyers to sit down and not talk , just roved it was all because it’s all political and Judge doo-floppy’s daughter works at the WH , so it wouldn’t surprise me if she and the Libs in DC are running this court


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