Michelle Obama Laments How “Not Fair” America is to Her and Other Black People, with Jason Whitlock



For a woman who has been the first lady of America to be crying “not fair” and following the victims ploy is truly pathetic.

The Obama net worth is at least $70 million. I’m crying over the unfairness.


  1. Michelle Obama is so misguided in her interpretation of unfair. I watched a video back she and her hubby, Nobama, were in college protesting about America and how they hated it and white people. Amazingly the video vanished when the also misguided voters of this country voted him into the Presidency. If anyone wants to know if this country, and Michelle means whites, have been so unfair to these super rich citizens of America, just go to elbertguillorysamerica.com and ask for his free handout about Nobama and his protege, Lying Joe Biden. Mr. Guillory is an educated intelligent African American patriot who tells the truth about these phonies that hoodwinked the unintelligent population of America into voting for these Socialists. Afraid of the truth? check it out

  2. People Michelle hates Whites she brought race back into this Country the Rev. Al Sharpton visited Michelle 80 times when she was in the WH she had a big time Racist visit 80 time to do what ?

  3. Michelle , you are such a racist, you hate whites, We can see that in the last Movie that you and Obama have made. Its full of hate. Go to some other country and make some more of your BIG Money Speeches, but this time Stay there.

  4. The Moose is the lead racist in the USA, who probably funded her college based on the race card. She and the he/she hubby need to move to Kenya, where I’m sure she will love it, where everyone looks like her.

  5. Michelle had 80 visits from Rev. Al Sharpton a noted hater of Whites while the Obamas were in the WH 80 visits about what ??


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