Maxine Waters Accidentally Reveals Popular Scam Used by Black Democrats



Why wasn’t she charged with inciting violence?

She should be in prison for inciting riots across the country and calling for attacks on people with opposing political views.


  1. Democrat corruption policy’s are finished in America the voteing public is sick of their corruption and total disregard for the laws of the land. They will be voted out in November. Biden the weak wants another four years of his America last policy voters will not return him or his corrupt family to office,,Democrats or Palentinians and Arabs once again biden cow tails to the terrorists to keep up the votes for his re-election,,,,,Biden gave Iran 16 billion dollars of your tax dollars to fuel the war against Israel not counting the oil Iran sold to Russia and China to finance and allow them to fuel the war also against Israel.This is not how you treat an allie Biden told Israel he would not support them a few weeksback and now made it clear he would not help Israel in a counter attack. Can Biden tell the differance between friend or foe? This AMERICAN LAST POLICY HAS EFFECTED OUR INTERNATIONAL STANDING AS WELL AS NATIONALLY OUR VERY OUN SECURITY….

    • I wish you were correct but unfortunately the corrupt Dems together with Soros are plotting to rig the election in their favor. Too many voters will continue to vote for Biden even if he is screwing them royally. We are fighting all the cells Obama placed in the justice dept, irs dept besides the current admin. Our freedom is at stake come Nov. Either we help Prez Trump clean house or we conform to gov control of our lives .

  2. This twit is the common denominator in the Congress of The United States of America. A complete, narcissistic, corrupt, incompetent, self-aggrandizing, self-enriching, acumen compromised, imbecile!

  3. She has been pulling this for years and getting away with it she even excited a riot told people to burn things down and hurt people and getting away with it she should be in prison

  4. 2 things wrong with these statements, 1. she’s black and, 2. she’s a black woman. That’s why she gets away with this load of crap. She’s the load of crap.

  5. What you get with DEI Idiots with double digit IQ instead of the most qualified. Pretty sure she was one of the high school honor roles that upon graduation couldn’t read or right

  6. In my opinion : I blame the white people for what blacks get away with , especially whatever white person though diversity was a good idea. Blacks now use racism for everything , and they just continue to use that for everything. Schools, jobs, reparations, murders, getting arrested or just stopped by a cop, this BS wouldn’t and couldn’t have happened if whites wouldn’t have lost their gonads and flat out and said NO to the HELL NO, AFTER ALL WHITES ARE STILL THE MAJORITY AND I guarantee I’m not falling for it anymore. The real racists are the blacks. Stop hiring them , stop voting for them , if they aren’t qualified , screw them . And yes I have blacks in my family and they know exactly how I feel . It’s only racist , idiots that don’t agree that the more you give them the more racist they become

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