Many on the far left falsely claim attempted Trump assassination was ‘staged’




  1. How stupid can people be! Why the heck does people think it was a set up. People got killed and wounded. Damn. I think all this crap started because people were housed during the covid so they went crazy.

    • Yes that’s true but also these people have been so indoctrinated they forgot how to think for themselves. People have allowed others to tell them what to say and do.

    • That is exactly what I thought. One was killed, plus the shooter, and 2 seriously injured. How sick can they to get this wasn’t for real.

    • It is simple. If they admit that it was not a set up/ staged then they have to admit their democrat/leftists are just as violent as we have always said they were.

      If they admit this then they also admit the law-fare was all political, and likely every other thing the democrats say about trump is just political crap.

      They can’t admit that so they come up with a spin that lets them keep their beliefs.

    • No, it wasnt covid but it was the liberals playing dirty pool and trying to smear Trump again. They can’t of anything good about anything if it doesn’t go along with their narative or agenda. They blame everyone who opposes them and are either racists, as they say a bout things they don’t like or they twist things around to make themselves look good. It only backfires on them and they are the brunt of it all in trying to fool the American people. They are just kidding themselves.

  2. If sites like this would quit spreading and promoting hate it would be beneficial to our country. Hopefully this type of incident will not increase.

  3. This is what has manifested from TDS. The left talking heads and shows like “The View” has poisoned people’s minds. People like this are sick twisted and need to be fired and removed from social media where the poison spreads like wildfire.

  4. These are supposedly adults making these vulgar statements? My god! They’re not human! No rashional human would make such evil statements about another. They should all be shipped to a deserted island out in the ocean an left there to fend for themselves. TRUMP 2024

  5. Have any pundits with historical research backgrounds chimed in on whether such incidents were physical or material attacks that have been used to sway a certain section of the population?

  6. Biden calls for unity. How can there be unity when we have people on the left stating TRUMP staged the assassination attempt where a man is killed and two others in critical condition and President Trump was shot. I saw a woman SCREAMING “F” BECAUSE HE WASN’T KILLED!. These people are crazy and need to be locked up. Again, the only one who acts as a politician is Marco Rubio. Look how fast the left turned on Joe Biden. The right can’t bring unity if the left doesn’t meet people halfway. GOD IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN SAVE THIS COUNTRY.

  7. It is simple. If they admit that it was not a set up/ staged then they have to admit their democrat/leftists are just as violent as we have always said they were.

    If they admit this then they also admit the law-fare was all political, and likely every other thing the democrats say about trump is just political crap.

    They can’t admit that so they come up with a spin that lets them keep their beliefs.

  8. It’s not the Democrat or Republican Parties, it’s the people. If people would stop and look at what’s happening and truly see what’s going on we might get past this. If you believe in God then you would see that the devil is at hand. Power is a very dangerous game and no citizens are what these politicians are thinking about. Just a bunch of kids fighting for control and not thinking about what this country needs. I am so sick of the behavior of both parties. It’s so sad that we as a people can’t come together except when we are all in danger. WAKE UP US WE ARE STILL IN DANGER OF OUR GOVERNMENT. THEY ARE DISTROYING THIS COUNTRY. STOP THE NAME CALLING/BLAMING AND GET IN ORDER. OUR GOVERNMENT IS CAUSING CAOS. I AM ASHAMED OF WHAT THIS COUNTRY HAS BECOME. ONE BIG SHIT SHOW.

    • Tell me again what the “crime” is? The right keeps calling Joe a criminal and has been investigating for years. They have turned up nothing at all. I am very curious and would love to hear your response. Thanks

  9. Big Goverment is the root cause of domestic problems when they fight over the toy of government like little kids.

  10. The idea of staging the shooting is ridiculous. The shooter was not “William Tell” and Trump was not his son with an apple on his head. I know a number of very good police shooters having taught police fire arms and I can tell you there is no way that I would hold a basketball out to the side and have one of those expert shots shoot at it.


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