Jim Acosta TRIGGERED After CNN Guest PUSHES BACK Against Liberal Media ‘Blood Bath’ MELTDOWN!



The media meltdown will be 100% WORTH your Trump vote! Let’s go

Saying Trump is threatening voters with his ‘bloodbath’ comment, while they threaten voters with the country and democracy itself is on the line is my favourite part of this new grift.


  1. To bad the media isn’t smart enough to understand the bloodbath started already. Right after the illegals murdered our daughters. It was the democrats that let them walk free to murder after being arrested 3 times already for other crimes. There’s the real bloodbath the fake news like cnn and msnbc and the other fake news stations won’t report on. And that bloodbath will only get worse cause the democrats still won’t close the borders they opened on day one of Biden’s destruction of our country. Wait till the gangs can carry weapons openly thanks to Obamas female black judges new law. It will make a big impact. See how the fake news reports on that one.

  2. It shows how totally ignorant and poorly read the Left-wing idiots are. They do not understand sarcasm, metaphor, soliloquy. You need a higher IQ to do this and looking at the cows on the View, it is demonstrated daily. They are agitators and I would not be surprised if they are funded by some L wing deep state money to keep up the bllsht. They are childish, base and just stupid. They got by on the race card, the gender card, certainly not on their tiny little lizard brains, and yet have no issue when Biden, the cadaver apologizes to a POS who murdered an innocent girl. These twts have their heads up their massive butts. .

  3. CNN doesn’t have reporters, they have a bunch of “Bad Actors” who sound like imbeciles when they speak! When you compare what they say about Trumps speech to what he actually said, it’s too obvious they’re gaslighting to the max. How dumb do these actors think the American audience is?


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