Its Now Obvious Who Trump’s Vice President Is Going To Be.. The Campaign is TELLING US, Here’s PROOF




Not a GOOD CHOICE President Trump. Say NO to Rubio!


  1. I like Rubio, but not as a VP, sorry. He would be smart to choose Tulsa Gabbard to do it. She is military, she is smart, she is tough, and knows what she’s talking about.

    • My first choice is Tucker Carlson. He is a TWO FER ONE. He can also be the press secretary, put the communist urine-a-list in their place. My #2 is Kellyanne Conway, try to give her any grief, she will kick your ass (nicely of course)(make IT look like you started it)

  2. There’s a lot to choose from, just please, please, I’m begging you, not Haley. Not only will she stab you in the back for your four years, she will change the Republican Party when she wins the presidency in 2028. She is just like McConnell, a RINO.

    • I have relatives in Louisiana that have left the demon-rat party LONG ago. Did it have to get this bad for Tulsi to leave? Was still a demon-rat while the deep STATE was opposing, lying, entrapping and willing to call our enemies IF Amerika was to go nuclear ? THAT idiot is still at the Pen-of-goons? GOD help us… WE need a pit bull or a REAL bull in the Dept. of JUST US… to clean house, get rid of the goons in the Gestapo (AKA: FIBbers)

  3. Amb Haley is the best choice for VP to unify the GOP and beat the Democrats. Ronald Reagans’s big tent party won by unifying and expanding the GOP. President Trump has lot’s of qualified VP candidates, Haley brings the most independents, moderate Republicans and Conservatives that are still not committed. It’s the smart pick!

    • moderate republicans are called RINOs. They need to be deported with the illegals and any other un-American criminals (NFL & their supporters). The republic of We the People (not corrupt gov’t.) MUST be restored

    • Are you NUTS or just stupid?? Haley is the biggest liar/traitor in the
      country. She would put a cameleon to shame. She changes her mind
      more than most ppl change their underwear.

  4. That is correct. I prefer Tulsi Gabbard.

    There is another reason Rubio is not qualified to be V. P. — he is not a natural-born citizen if you follow the intent of the Founders. A natural-born citizen, according to original intent, is someone born in the U. S. of parents who were U. S. citizens. Neither of Rubio’s parents were U. S. citizens at the time of his birth, which means he was subject to the jurisdiction of the country his parents were citizens of. The Founders did not want either our President or Vice-President to have dual allegiance in the event his parents never became citizens.

    • and WHY our gov’t. fail us with barry boy obama. not natural born citizen, 100% communist, half black, that was born in Kenya

  5. DeSantis is bY far the toughest, experienced,
    No-nonsense, go-for-the-throat; JUST WHAT IS

    • DeSantis needs to keep Florida free, as an example to other states. YES, IT can be done ! RED states need to separate from this evil empire called Amerika. adult children (oxymoron) that should be a MAN, need to grow a pair and buy a backbone from somewhere

  6. Definitely not Rubio or Haley!

    And, yes if the demosocialist win the election the red states need to kick the blue states to the curb. I, personally, am sick of our tax dollars supporting blue states and Ukraine.

    • Well said Charlie. Ukraine money is the Marxist Democratic Party’s “slush fund” for bribes to the Biden Admin.

  7. Here’s the kicker. For quite a while now, much information has come out that JFK Jr. IS our legal President, DJT’s Vice President as of even now. JFK Jr is going to be the Vice President when Trump comes back. There won’t be a Presidential election in November! Trump will be back before that!

  8. Tom Cotton, John Kennedy, or Vivek Ramaswamy. Anyone of these true American patriots, will completely shield President Trump for any further attacks, PERIOD !!!

  9. Guys–previously Gabbard voted with Obama and Schumer 90% of the time, which is why she cant be V.P

    I think Tim Scott would solidify black support. He is a qualified Conservative /Republican.

    You can’t have 2 white guys in our multicultural country.

  10. Watch Tulsi Gabbards interviews. She is selfless and an amazing patriot. She is smart and thoughtful and would be an amazing Vp


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