‘Humiliation’: President stands ‘frozen with his mouth agape’ as Jill Biden speaks for him



How was anyone in shock? He’s been publicly embarrassing himself and the country for 3 1/2 years.

Biggest joke and humiliation to the USA


  1. Look at Jill Biden – what in the world is wrong with her pantsuit? Her button to her jacket is up under her boobs. Joe looks like he is going to take a dump. Oh my gosh – this is what is representing in the world! No wonder we are being laughed at. Just think this old lady is supposed to be First Lady. YUCK – then people had the nerve to mock Melania! JEALOUSLY

    • I truly agree with you. I recall the Communists posing as Democrats find fault with Milania because she wore sneakers at the border when wading around in sand and dirt. If Jill looks the way she does, that’s supposed to be OK.

  2. jill biden is almost as embarrassing as brain dead joe! she looks pregnant in a 1970’s high water pants suit.

    Are you lying leftist ready to admit you should have never committed voter fraud to put these disgusting subhumans in office?

    • Loonietics have no grasp of or footing on our plane of existence due to being afflicted with the symptoms of such an intense form of psychosis that there is no medical treatment or cure for their mental illness.

      My point being they still believe Joe is the right choice in establishing policies that makes life better for the Common Good.

  3. Gees! every time you think the democrats cannot get any worse they seem to out do themselves.

    They ready need to just stop talking altogether.

  4. Sky News is a major left-wing data source so if they are declaring how mentally and physically feeble Joe Biden is you know it has to be true.

    Buckwheat’s lesbian granddaughter Karine Jean-Pierre and those within the Mainstream Media are claiming the video footage of Joe tripping over his tongue and feet is fake.


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