HILARIOUS Troll Mocks Michael Rapaport!



He looked up Apartheid on Google Maps and didn’t find anything.

He’s like a youth pastor for white guys who want to be a rapper


  1. I’ve lost all respect!!!!

    There is no apartheid in Israel, and the fact that you’re equating it to Israel defending itself is sickening.
    Tell me what is so funny about a woman having a bandit stuck up her vagina and her anus, and then having her brains blown out.

    Tell me what’s so funny about a pregnant woman having her stomach cut open and the baby decapitated and the woman shot afterwards!
    Tell me what’s so funny about 40 babies being decapitated. Tell me what’s so funny about hundreds of teenagers being shot like a firing range.
    Tell me what’s so funny about families burnt alive in their homes.
    Nothing was happening on October 6. But in one day these monsters of another species invaded a sovereign country and murdered people and butchered them.
    There is not one Jew in Gaza, and they were completely responsible for electing! There are videos after videos of people from Gaza, begging for Israel to get rid of Hamas. They are begging for their lives, because Hamas is using them as a human shields.
    They have been offered a two state solution 14 times and every time Hamas, the PA the PLO have refused.
    Do you know what river to the sea means? It means they want a one state solution, which disallows all Jews. There are 20% Palestinians living inside of Israel, who are living peacefully and who have complete prosperity.
    Are Arabs fighting in the Israeli army against the people who call themselves Palestinian.
    Ask yourself, why not one our country has lifted a finger to take and refugees away from the war!!!!! it’s because the Palestinians have left the stench of shit everywhere they go.
    The Jordanians want nothing to do with them, even though their land is where the Palestinians originated from. The Egyptian’s don’t want them and the Kuwaitis absolutely don’t want them after they turned on Kuwait and fought with the Iraqis against Kuwait in the 80”s. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, who had lived in Kuwait for decades from 1948 to 1973 were given all of the benefits of living in Kuwait. The Palestinians are selfish cockroaches, who keep taking and taking.
    And they are fed on a diet of hate, believing that Israel is their land.
    How can it be your land when everything you’ve built is on top of archaeological remains proving the Jews were there for thousands of years!!! Not gonna be your land when you sold the homes back to the Jews that were originally the homes of the Jews!
    This bullshit of genocide has got to stop!!!!
    How come it wasn’t genocide when Syria killed 850,000 Arabs in their Civil War????
    It’s only genocide when Jews defend them selves against a mass attack!
    You would never ever see an Israeli soldier due to one Arab what was done to the Israeli’s on October 7th.
    Israel sends out warnings for people to evacuate when they are going to attack and get the hostages or to attack the terrorists. All guns are pointed at them by Hamas!!!!!
    I am disgusted with this video!
    If he wants to talk about Israel, then he needs to get off his bottom and take a flight to Israel!

  2. The fact is, the weak minded in our nation which usually identifies as democrats, just pulls crap out of their backsides and fantasies that it is the truth. No facts required, they just start chanting falsehoods and wango bango they take it as fact.
    It is really kind of strange that people even listen to them at all!


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