CRYING Woke Activists Get DESTROYED For DEMANDING A Black Woman Replace FIRED DEI Harvard President!



Hire ANYONE that’s credible, honest, honorable, moral, prudent, and sane. Color doesn’t matter. Being a liar and a cheater and a thief does matter.

Holding liars accountable is unacceptable apparently.


  1. I find it shocking, sad, and ignorant that the words of MLK, who led so many into better lives , have been spat upon and seem to be misunderstood by those effected the most. Its not the COLOR of the skin, but the CONTENT of the character, and yet… who is doing the smash and grabs, the car jacking, the theft, drive by shootings? And demanding that all in their and OUR lives depends on the color of their skin, and now the extra added attraction of their genitals and how they use them and with whom.. They are making their achilles heels , which most of us try to squelch, and keep to ourselves, their ticket to entitlement… I think that the race card has a massive amount to do with self hatred. Stop hating yourselves and treat yourself better, not worse. You are making fools of yourselves while making Al Sharpton, BLM and those stoking your victimhood rich as hell. Are you better for the destruction you bring? The decline of the institutions your demands effect? OK… so you get into Harvard Med school and because you check the boxes of gay, black, slightly disabled, an IQ of 75, you get your degree. You become a heart surgeon, and then….. Your child needs surgery.. Would you want YOU doing IT? HELL NO… This is where America is. INcapable, INept, Incompetent sailing by on the race boat. Academic freedom is not specifically applied to blacks, by the others being deprived ,which is exactly what they are trying to do. They have openly, in front of cameras supported the extermination of the JEWS once again.. They have no knowledge of WWII and the Nazi actions? Are these the NEO Nazis in America..? Wow, black nazis … who knew.

    • Good comment. It proves that if a person doesn’t love themselves they won’t love anyone else. Dummycrats are fueling this self hatred which turns into hate for everyone else. Evil, which includes hate, will consume everything, even itself.


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