Colorado’s New AR-15 Ban Also Targets Semi-Auto Pistols & Shotguns



Saying people in government care about the Constitution is like saying criminals care about gun laws.

Colorado has an illegal immigrant problem right now . Bad time to disarm citizens


  1. The anti gun Democrat politicians are the top predators in preying on the average American, who knows very little about guns.This is how the left takes chunks out of our 2A rights.

    If you review all of the anti gun laws the democrats want to pass, you will notice that their gun laws only impact law abiding gun owners. Criminals are not affected because they do not care about gun laws or any laws at all.

    What every American should have been alarmed is when O’Biden stated if the pro gun Americans are claiming that they need an AR-15 rifle to protect themselves from a tyrannical government, they would need an F-16 fighter jet and then he laughed.

    What’s O’Biden implying, that he would order F-16 jets and possibly tanks to attack the American citizens?!

    Because the truth of the matter is, that we currently have anti American politicians running and ruining our country. Obama and now O’Biden are trying to collapse our country!

  2. This is what happens when you allow a bunch of stupid faggot Californians to move to your state and let them ruin it. It wasn’t that long ago when some counties in Colorado wanted to break off and form their own state. They should’ve gone through with it, just like people in eastern Oregon talked about breaking off and joining Idaho and people in western Virginia wanting to break off and join West Virginia. If you stay in a state controlled by dummycrats, your state and it’s residents will be turned into shit.

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