Candace Owens FIRED from Daily Wire after FIGHT With Ben Shapiro | Candace: ‘I Am Finally Free’



Anywhere Chris Cuomo goes a stay far away from.

Why would anyone with a brain hire Chris Cuomo?


  1. I’ve watched the Left fracture over various issues (trans-affirming, trans-exclusive, etc.) at the cost of their shared goals. I’ve also watched Trump, whom I support, btw, needlessly assail fellow conservatives and Republicans, sewing discord in the movement. And now this fracas. Grow up, people!!! We have a government that has been subverted by Deep State operatives, under the worst excuse for a President in the history of the Republic and here we are with two of our more prominent “luminaries” acting like school children in a playground fight. Does nobody remember Reagan’s injunction to not talk ill of your allies? Suck it up, people, and act like adults. You can disagree on issues without destroying the “loyal opposition” with your spats.

    • From one oldfarte to another. I feel you are so right but I also feel our nation is being Gradually being turned into a Communist state where those in charge can say or do anything they like, but we who actually care about our country and our freedom are now subjects instead of citizens. We also have a bunch of gutless wonders leading the Republican party. All they do is talk, then do nothing.

  2. Sadly, I have given up listening to either of them. I don’t know if it is their voices that have me irritated or what. They are better off as editorialists. That way, I can discern what they are saying and gather the meaning of their subject matter.

  3. Great comments! Well said! Try to find what we can support together because at this point we have just about no power or rights left. The FBI could show up at our homes at 6 am just for writing a comment online. None of us are safe in America. The numbers of political prisoners has just grown by leaps and bounds. Wake up!

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