Black Mob ARRESTED After LYNCHING 20 Year Old Mother As Liberal Media And Race Hustlers GO SILENT!



Nothing destroys Black America like Black America

7 kidnapped, R’d, tortured, and murdered a pregnant woman. There should be 7 death penalties with super quick court appeals to keep them from living the next 50-60 years in prison sucking away at the taxpayers wallet housing, clothing, and feeding them.


    • 8 blacks rape and lynch another black. Why on media coverage? The useless MSM has a Democrat-driven scenario that whites are terrible, but blacks are victims! BS Black lives do not matter to blacks. The majority of black deaths are committed by other blacks. Until the truth is admitted by major black figures in Sports, Entertainment and Politics this hidden murder system will continue and get worse. These 8 people should be quickly tried and executed, not imprisoned. If 8 whites lynched there would not be enough ink in the Western world to write about it. Since its Blacks, its hidden, not mentioned in Media and the Black Theater moves on. Where is Black commentary on this crime? Total Silence as usual. This whole race has much to answer for – but we know that nothing will be said.

  1. Watch for it folks. They will be released on their own recognizance, and, although unlikely, if any charges are ever made, Biden will pardon them. He doesn’t want to lose the black votes and start another riot.

  2. No one. Burning down buildings for this poor girl and she was no criminal a linching in America maybe white people should protest this linching but that would be called an insurrection demonrats are all mouth and do nothing productive why black people vote demonrats I just can’t understand

  3. Give them to this young womans family and IF any are left alive after a couple hours, sentence them to death. Immediately carry out the sentence. These evil POS should have no right to breath air others need.

  4. This is what happens by defunding the police. No surprise. Ignorance of politicians, bureaucrats, elites, and the Biden administration, including DOJ, FBI leadership. Or lack of. NAACP, Al Sharpton, Walters, Harris, Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, BLM, Antifa, and any other empty headed nut case. And they call others deplorable and a threat to Democracy. Whatever that means. They are all overpaid Socialists, Communists, Marxists. They hate humanity and anyone that disagrees. Add in the biased and overpaid Mainstream Media. Including The View. Let us not forget “The Squad.” Blabber mouth Ocasio Cortez. They all shout like that makes them right. Every word I hear from that is hate speech. Why aren’t they censored? They are the racists and liars. Just saw newly released tapes about January 6. Not new. Just it didn’t fit their “Blame Trump Again” Syndrome. They need to seek some help. They should know a lot of mental health providers.

  5. Some of these comments are crazy. Yes this was very brutal and horrible, all of those that were involved should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Yes many black people kill other black people, as do Caucasians mostly kill Caucasians and other people groups kill within their own nationalities. The thing is with black people it stays front and center to make it look like its done more than other groups on purpose. As for the lynching blacks are still being lynched by Caucasians and others at an alarming rate and many of them go unreported by the News media. These black people here are clearly demon possessed as so many people are today.

  6. Blacks killing black no problem, now if it were abortion that’s a whole different ballgame. Are they going to be tried for the killing of a baby in the womb too, no I doubt it.

  7. If we all “do the right thing” and accept that it is not a race issue – it was murder, we should execute the ones who did it. It’s not about political party either. It’s murder. It’s justice. Unless there are severe, swift penalties, this madness is not going to stop. You gotta live with what you tolerate. Nobody is safe now. If we don’t take a hard stand this will only get worse.

  8. Horrible and tragic act. I respect the commentator of this crime who called out BLM and Al Sharpton for not protesting.

    • 100% agree. The race hustlers should be ashamed of themselves for not condemning this heinous act in the stongest terms. The commenter is correct in that there would be massive riots if the perpetrators were white.


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