BASED Father STRIPPED Of Concealed Carry Permit After Defending His Family From ARMED Robbers!


A Los Angeles father, seeking protection for his family and luxury home, took drastic measures by pulling out a gun when he encountered masked intruders attempting to break into his property. The incident led to a confrontation between the father and the assailants, who seemingly retreated after realizing they were not going unchallenged. However, in the aftermath of this high-tension event, it appears that local authorities have revoked the father’s firearm permit, leaving him potentially vulnerable and without adequate means to protect his family from potential future threats. This decision has sparked a debate about homeowners’ rights to defend their property and loved ones in such situations, with some arguing for more leeway given to individuals facing real-life dangers, while others maintain that firearm regulations need strict enforcement regardless of the circumstances.

The story raises questions about the balance between public safety and personal security, particularly when it comes to handling firearms in high-tension situations. As homeowners face a myriad of potential threats – from burglaries to more violent intrusions – it remains essential to explore ways to ensure their safety without compromising public safety. Some argue that the revocation of this Los Angeles father’s firearm permit could set a dangerous precedent, potentially leaving other homeowners vulnerable in similar circumstances. Others maintain that the firearm regulations should be strictly enforced regardless of the perceived threat level or the actions taken by an individual to protect their property and family.


If Americans just keep accepting this behavior from the government it’s only getting worse!

Step 1. Fail to prosecute criminals.
Step 2. Release criminals on no-cash bail
Step 3. Ban scray “assault rifles”
Step 4. Deny law-abiding citizens the basic ability to defend themselves against said criminals.
Step 5. Remove the right to defend oneself
Step 6. Prosecute people fending for their families’ lives.
Step 7….????
We are on our own here folks! The government isn’t there to help us! We are just political fodder. (At least in CA)


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