WTF is happening in Pennsylvania? Trump is furious! | Redacted w Clayton & Natali Morris



This is ridiculous!! Cheating assholes!!! Send them to jail NOW!!

They want this Civil War so badly


  1. my ancestors separated from an evil gov’t. 163 years ago because of ONE tax increase. I can give you $84 billion (Afghanistan), $23 trillion (unGREATful SOCIETY) and $35 trillion (Natl. debt) to leave today. The brainwashing of the Dept. of re-Education has worked. Most of Amerika is totally stupid. The other group are cowards. (they don’t know & don’t care)

  2. Do not fall for their “civil war”. That is entirely intended to give them justification for declaring martial law and taking all of your rights and firearms. It will be a million times worse than the January 6, 2021 “insurrection” fraud. Don’t fall for it.

  3. Part of how they stole the last election, with the 51 rigging brought to you by Bribem, Blinke, the FB-Lie strong-arming Fraudbook and other media outlets. Government mafia. But the Coup d’Etat put Bribem in the White House and extorted the 2020. And the members of the Coup d’Etat took Bribem out. And now America know’s it’s time to take these criminals out! And it won’t be by installing Commie-La!

  4. This country is going to implode if the cheating by these Marxists is not halted and by any means possible. With already verifications of the many fraudulent votes, lying poll workers & inoperative voting machines, this demands constant vigilance and prompt action by authorities. Hopefully, not all of these “authorities” are on the Marxist payroll. Same s— different day. We can’t keep putting up with this in America and there MUST BE CONSEQUENCES IF IT CONTINUES! VOTE DJ TRUMP!!!

  5. Watch the media and FBI claim the election was clean and fair two days after the election is over.

    Democrats need to be rounded up and jailed.

    If someone tells you to go home take their picture and ask for id.


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