Woke School Board Mother IN TEARS SHOCKED That Muslim Parents Don’t Want Kids Reading LGBT Books


Woke School Board Member in Tears as Muslim Parents Object to LGBTQ+ Inclusive Content in Children’s Literature.

A recent incident involving a woke school board member illustrates the ongoing debate over inclusivity and cultural sensitivity in children’s literature. The outraged mother, who is an advocate for diversity and representation, found herself in tears after discovering that many Muslim parents in her community do not want their children reading books with LGBTQ+ content or themes.

Black Conservative Perpesctive discusses this in the youtube video below:


That woman IS NOT oppressed. She married a woman, has a job, has kids. She can have all the alphabet mob books IN her home she wants about her lifestyle choices. It’s oppressove to force HER choices on other kids and other parents’ values who disagree.

I guess I don’t understand why LGBT parents who want their children to read these books insist on subjecting other people’s children to their beliefs. If we would all just keep our beliefs to ourselves, these idiotic conflicts wouldn’t exist. This woman obviously only cares about her own feelings.


  1. Sounds like the woke faggot loving mother needs to be sent to a Muslim country and thrown off a 10 story building. Her children would be better off in the foster parent program.

  2. These Woke folks are so skewed. Nobody says that they don’t want kids reading this trash. They are saying that there in an APPROPRIATE AGE at which kids can understand, discern and evaluate what they are reading. Kids get their hands on more filth than any adult can imagine, thanks to the internet, and their own private little hiding places to view trash, but we, as adults don’t need to facilitate smut that we didn’t even know about until we were in our late teens. We are stealing childhood from our kids, not by making them toe the line, get jobs, learn about money, the word “NO”, but by forcing the ugly side of adulthood on a baby. Maturing is a slippery slope with so much to avoid, ie, gangs, drugs , booze, speed and danger in cars, peer pressure and now THIS??? and worst of all , imposed by teachers, parents and those who should know better. They have all become puppets of the media, the government, Welcome to communism, where you don’t even have control of your own kids.

  3. I wonder if they would think the same way if a trans female attacked their own daughter or granddaughter in school in the bathroom, showers or injured on the playing field in a sport that they did because of a male claiming to be female. When it hits close to home they will wake up. Something that I agree with Muslims.


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