Son-of-a-_itch. Can you ever believe that this mentally deficient individual is calling Musk stupid. OMG! It says that she has a high IQ. OK, if you consider an amoeba a member of mensa, then you can also assume that AOC is intelligent.
This guy also does not come across of mentally cognizant enough to be allowed out on the public streets without supervision.
AOC’s comments lead me to believe that AOC is operating with the same intellectual levels as a moron.
Son-of-a-_itch. Can you ever believe that this mentally deficient individual is calling Musk stupid. OMG! It says that she has a high IQ. OK, if you consider an amoeba a member of mensa, then you can also assume that AOC is intelligent.
This guy also does not come across of mentally cognizant enough to be allowed out on the public streets without supervision.