Was the Bridge Collapse Deliberate?



Remember to say daily folks, FJB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What are the odds. Probably 95% of the area under the bridge is free sailing. Wow, America has really been unlucky the last few years.


  1. Nothing would surprise me with crooked Joe as the betrayer president he has been selling America out for years the demorats created this mess and will now blame it on TRUMP and MEGA

  2. in all the ports I’ve seen in the news, as well as what I’ve seen at the port of Houston, Ports are entered with a local pilot at the helm (a designated official Port Pilot with an intimate knowledge of the port and what to avoid). Was there a port pilot at the helm?

  3. Google is comprised by liberal editors haven’t you heard the recent occurrences of the wording changes to suit a woke ideation.

  4. This website is a joke! Loaded with conjured up bulls…t stories to rally up the MAGA’s. When you read through them there is actually no PROOF, NO SUBSTATIATION. They are all made up stories to make you feel good.
    I love America, have been a Republican all my life. Grew up in very conservative Rockford Illinois. But I do not like Trump, his character, his egoism, his distortion of the truth, including his lies about elections etc.
    Therefore I am considered a RINO. Proud of it. I disagree with Trump on every count. America is not a Christian country it is secular country where freedom of Religion and freedom from Religion is guaranteed by the Constitution. The economy now is great and in many ways never been better. People are noticing, paying attention, and the Gen Xers and Gen Zers are registering to vote by the millions, an heretofore unprecedented.

    • Well for a republican you are very easily brainwashed, if you can’t see who the real culprits are you have lost any possibility of any real thought on your part!

    • Alex… What a joke! You are a true Dem disguised as a Republican! You are not woke to trickery, smoke and mirrors! The money from the Globalists in Europe and other countries with the Soros’ organization had been determined for years to take the American dollar down, as the International Money Market Exchange, wherein the US was in control in large part and was making money on the exchange … now soon we may not be. Europe wanted control of the exchange….. as a start, it appeared, to cancel the debt they owed us from WWll, etc., but to make it what they will! Now we may be looking at a Globalist world wide currency, controlling our MONEY! OUR MONEY! We have been warned, that though the party they have hijacked, control will be the name of their game and our voices will be silenced ,however they can. Look at the J6 protestors! Only a small sampling of the control they have already had as these people languish in our D.C. prison as
      good old Nancy sips her wine and watches our nation slip away as long as she has her gated home and $$$$$$$$$ to keep her safe.

      Who also,may we ask, gave us the COMPLETELY UNKNOWN OBAMA..and paraded him around, as the Democratic candidate, with the Democratic leaders acceptance and with no explanation who the hell he was and where WAS he really from..what about his Birth Certificate and was he even eligible to run as President of our nation according to our rules??! We will never know, at least not for a long time, if ever they can keep this info from the masses. And yet …… paraded all over EUROPE….EUROPE!!! HUH????? AT GREAT EXPENSE! We did not pay for that! Why would we? The European countries do not vote in our elections and so why! Ah, but these “people”, these GLOBALISTS gave no credit for Americans realizing something was amiss! And they were right , most did NOT! The parading was by and for them.
      Obama was now running for the President of the United States? So why Europe?! AND, who paid for this… not Obama…. the Democrats…..Doubt it? Did you ever ask who did? Did you ever wonder why? Did you see the people in the audience in the USA on the bleachers when Obama had recently been confirmed as the Democratic Candidate…. a handful of people… and NO ONE RECOGNIZABLE, when he first made the announcement that he was running for President of the United States as the Democratic Candidate! This unknown small group, sitting on a half full,extremely sparse 3 or 4 rows of bleachers cheering him on as he asked the question… to the lens of Americans,,, “ARE YOU ready for FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE?????” We applauded as he toured Europe as seen on media in American Homes —-like blind sheep…. Yet NO ONE ASKED what this “FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE” WAS!? WE DID NOT ASK!? Even as he refused to wear an American flag pin on his lapel….and had crosses covered up where he spoke and in his travels across America , our American Flag had his picture in the corner covering where our state stars had been hidden! WE NEVER PURSUED THESE QUESTIONS, these displays… most never asked! When OBAMA left the Presidency…he is on video, saying, “WE are rich… very , very rich” and laughing as he left! When has any President leaving office EVER said that! The Clintons said they were broke! Obama was funded by the Soros Globalists and Soros’ Buddies from DAVOS,—– from European countries! Ask what was the purpose for all the deception. Why did we not ask about this”FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE” Who knows, but oh, we had been so trustworthy—– or were we desperate for some pie in the sky change!?
      It is all becoming clearer, about RULE from the EUROPEAN GLOBALISTS! We as a nation are being Hijacked! The take over of POWER, of OUR Nation, by Foreign Power Hungry Globalists and they have so far NOT had to fire a shot! We are so gullible and blind! It is all smoke and mirrors folks and little by little hidden agendas continue to be disguised as something else….often as “environmental”and yet there are no REAL scientists saying it is so…..and Kerry has never been a scientist though he refers to it as if he is! He is NOT! It appears Angela MARKEL was a “bought” key person with the Globlists with Brexit , as well as under Globalist pressure perhaps, to hasten this Evolving take over and world transformation to “THE GREAT GLOBALIST “WORLD RESET”, stopping England from entering Germanys roadways to have their goods transported thru Ireland and Scotland to be shipped to the USA( REMEMBER BREXIT). Angela Markle appeared to embrace this Globalist RULE, welcoming migrants as they entered Germany, and later as they terrorized their cities and people as well, the rapes and violations of women by these migrant men on New Years Eve was despicable. Angela Angela .. you brought this horrific plague upon your own nation and people! Interesting how the Globalists appear to have bought up much of the media everywhere- the Trillionaires control is only now being more exposed in the World’s forums. … Germanys desire to have the USA under European rule/control! They have wanted control back, especially the ability to TAX US, since the American Revolution and the beginning of our nation, AND now in joining with the Globalists seem to want all history suppressed… ERASED….. so our children and all further generations have no clue about WORLD HISTORY and the early American Colonists..the later AMERICAN COLONISTS, their fight to leave England for the Freedoms we have enjoyed from them- and it started over the TAX REVOLT in Massachusettes over England Taxing people who had moved to America over a tax on English Tea. There was a riot called the TEA PARTY! These early colonists refused to be controlled or be suppressed by Europe. Sounding familiar! We are now seeing the suppression of small nations with their control in Europe by the Globalists! Their biggest prize -control of the USA and our nations riches and wealth! We have fought the GREAT AMERICAN REVOLUTION for our freedoms from Europe! We have established our own laws and rules and we declared We Will NOT be subservient to any NATION! WE MUST NOW REMEMBER OUR HISTORY and ALL who Have DIED DEFENDING OUR LIBERTY AND OUR FREEDOMS… WE WILL NOT BE SUBSERVIENT TO GLOBALISM ! WE ARE THE HOME OF THE BRAVE IN THE LAND OF THE FREE! We have aided other small nations for their freedoms as well. We will oppose any group threatening our basic RIGHT to be FREE MEN and WOMEN according to our Declaration of Independence and OUR Constitution…. WE choose to NOT BE RULED by those who wish to take our RULE OF LAW, OUR CONSTITUTION, OUR DECLARATION AWAY… THey ARE OUR LAWS and we will not yield to any foreign entity, to any Globalist overthrow of OUR GOVERNMENT and our process of OUR government of, by, and for the PEOPLE will be our cry! OUR PEOPLE RULE and OUR POLICE FORCE WILL NOT BE REPLACED BY GLOBALISTS. NO GLOBALISM ALLOWED in these UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! STAY STRONG AMERICA- STAY UNITED- FIGHT BACK AGAINST THESE TRILLONAIRE GLOBALISTS FROM AFAR AND THOSE WHO ARE ALREADY HERE and WHO HAVE HIJACKED OUR ONCE DEMOCRATIC PARTY! NO international police force as these Globalist do all they can to disparage our own honorable police, and try to tear our system of law and order apart, only so they can instill a foreign global police force on our soil! Be AWARE AMERICA!ONCe they take an inch… you know the rest of the story!

  5. Every single attack on our supply chains, food supplies, factory fires, farm fires, energy crisis, hyper inflation, attacks on American Middle class, Privately owned businesses, Conservatives, Law abiding citizens, Christians, Catholics, Prolifers, etc
    Is all deliberate by Biden and Company. He did the same shit during Peanut Brain Carters term and now 50x worse. Biden is the worst now. He beats Jimmy hands down but he was the culprit then and is now with Obama pulling his Puppet Strings. Secretly though Obama is by far and away the biggest threat to America HANDS DOWN!!! FACT!!!!!

  6. Biden has done so much destruction in just a little over 3 years that anyone who can’t see it is either an illegal or a brainwashed traitor!

  7. I’ve driven everything from small, rigid hull inflatables to large vessels almost 800′ long (i.e., a couple hundred feet shorter than this vessel) and after watching this video dozens of times (at regular speed, at slow speed, at fast speed, etc.), all I can say is either this was the crappiest bit of ship handling since the Frank E. Evans played dodgem with the Melbourne or it was deliberate. There was absolutely NO reason for that last minute, right turn which aimed the vessel at one of the main pier supports. NO REASON at all, unless the aim was to intentionally ram the bridge structure. It is hard to even conceive that the OOD could have been mistaken or confused. You have clear water fore, aft, and to port and you turn right? Nope. No way.

  8. I’ve already heard that there were all kinds of chemicals that were spilled into the water with this strike. The over “ALL” damaged is obvious but who realizes how much poisons were just dumped into the waters and surrounded area.

  9. Looks like that ship aimed perfectly to hit that bridge but the real question why did they have electric problems only when they were aiming at that bridge if I drove like that they would of called me drunk at the wheel

  10. Rhino republican means demorat in republican clothing why else would they keep kissing demorats and not do the job people voted them to do


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