Trump STORMS Congress and Liz Cheney FREAKS… Again!




Liz Cheney should be in prison forever!!!!


  1. Yes Liz is definitely a demonrat in republican disguised and her opinion does not matter she should join the view with lies of radicals and Pelosi the witch lies everything she opens her mouth she is responsible for California becoming an expensive toilet

  2. Who paid Antifa to damage the doors of the Capitol on J6? How does a person receiving an 11 year sentence for actions on J6 show up at the Columbia University riots?

  3. LIZ – check out the video of Pelosi who finally had to admit she is a liar. Why weren’t all documents exposed at your meeting? You aren’t any better than the rest of Democrats. Join the Democrats.

    • No, she is one of the top worse Republicans – she’s a Dem in sheep’s clothing. You’re right, she might as well switch parties officially because she even graduated from portraying a RINO.

  4. Ah heck, Liz Chenny is just afraid Trump will interrupt the push to ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, a Rothchild just said as much a few days ago!
    They are so close to of achieving their tyrannical goal that it wouldn’t surprise me if they were to murder anyone that gets in their way!

  5. I am so sick of all the BS that has been told about Trump and all that He did 30 years ago. Who cares what he did before the White House. Everybody in the White House in Congress and the Senate is nothing but a bunch of liars to the American people and in for trying to take over the world. Guess what? Thay can’t take over anything in this world because it doesn’t belong to a anyone on this earth. Everything here belongs to God the creator. Just think about what God did to Sodom and Gomorrah and He will clean out the USA and all the lying, cheating people that wants to rule the world. Go home you bunch of old ladies and old men. Spend time with your family if they even respect you all anymore, but most of all read the Bible and it tells you all the wrong that you all are trying to push on the Christians and the America children today. You are all a disgrace to this country.

  6. well of course cheney is freaking out. she knows that if trump wins and especially of the house and senate go to the republicans. liz cheney is goign to prison.

  7. Wow, Really like how you chop up the the video’s Bro! Bits and Pieces To fit the narrative or time slot! Not a good look for truth teller’s, your content looking more like CNN B.s fake news… BET you wont Post this comment! Huuh. Pls take me off your E-mail list !Thnxs.


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