Trump Has His Guns SEIZED at the Worst Possible Time



Rights can’t be suspended or lost. Privileges can. This shows you what government believes rights really are.



  1. A former POTUS has his gun rights stripped away? Incredible. As for me, NYS revoked my pistol permit twice. I don’t love NY.

  2. Trump is targeted because he promised to drain the swamp. The swamp doesn’t want him to have guns or anything else that may help drain them. Others who don’t have power to strip his rights away are jealous of his incredible successes in life so they hate him. Imo.

  3. I think they are just so happy to harass Trump for everything. No I don’t think they should of stripped him of his guns, mostly because his convitions were so bogus!!

    • That’s why those convictions need to be overturned, and those that prosecuted need to be disbarred. The 2nd Amendment need’s to completely adhered to: All citizens have the right to bare arms. I don’t care what your legal ramifications are, “unless” you committed a crime with a firearm or a knife, or were involved in theft or robbery! It read’s “This right shall not be infringed upon”. The courts have illegally decided they could change this around. Can’t they read? And that judge in Illinois that just decided an illegal that was caught with a firearm was okay, and illegals can purchase? How in the H—l can that happen? THIS GOVERNMENT LET’S 20,000,000+ illegals jump our fence without the 82nd Abn making mincemeat out of them, along with 13,099 rapists and murderers, and they don’t understand how the 2 ladies up the street in Harford County, Maryland were murdered by MS-13 and Tre de Argua?

  4. Trump is surrounded 24/7 by the secret service he doesn’t need a gun I would like to know why the taxpayer is still paying the bill to give Hillary and Michelle SS protection ?

    • The word was: Bill and Hillary were charging Secret Service rent to stay in the slave quarters on the property. The interesting thing, “that rent being paid, covered the mortgage on Clinton’s property”. In Leavenworth, this nice pair would get 3 hots and a cot at “no charge”.

  5. What chicken shits, to come after his guns?? This whole thing against
    him is out of order! They just won’t stop. Where did this order come
    from? Originally? Put it out there so the public can see who ordered
    it. And after 2 attempts on his life? This is total BS…
    The Amin does not want him protected at all…..

  6. Trump is our Commander in Chief. He is also our WAR TIME President. The NYPD should have the officers involved fired, stripped of all THEIR firearms, put on house arrest, too. Or worse. They cannot override the Constitution, period! I want them to know that I said this! They are now criminals in my eyes and heart!

  7. Listening to this woman Coup-Mala tell outrageous lies at this very moment. These people that overloaded us with murderers, rapists and terrorists are now saying they will fix it: AT THE EXPENSE OF THE U.S. TAXPAYER. Do not let this lying sos anywhere near our Oval Office!

  8. My opinion is that what Trump may have in Florida, or any other state for that matter is none of New York’s business! The 2cd amendment is nation wide. Almost all of the illegal laws restricting Constitutional rights are state laws. The ATF makes regulations that ARE NOT LAW! So my advice to New York is shut up and mind your own rotten state!

  9. Just more of the Marxist policies and harassment implemented by JB Administration to discourage voters to support DJT. This Administration has to be completely dismantled, investigated and prosecuted accordingly. Bogus charges, weaponizing the legal system, sham prosecuters, when does it end? TRUMP, Nov. 2024!


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