Trans Woman Delivers 10 Pizzas to A Church and Then This Happens

Trans Woman Delivers 10 Pizzas to A Church and Then This Happens



You can’t wage a war against normal people and expect them to treat you like nothing happened.

Why does the alphabet mafia always wear the most outrageous clown makeup??

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  1. These people are so deranged in their thinking. Maybe he should just do his job and be a girl after work. Feel lucky it wasn’t a catholic church they may have thrown holy water on you. But even a freak deserves a tip for a delivery, it’s the Christian thing to do and maybe a blessing that you’ll go back to being your real self.

  2. I believe they gave a cash tip and the He/She/It thought of going viral with trash talk. Just the other day we had another Jussie Smollett con with a mixed race guy in the WH who is trying to run for some office faking MAGA postings to his Social Media by using his own computer. That is very revealing of how evil they are…and just how stupid they are. He is facing several Federal counts.

  3. When I got laid off from my regular job I took a job delivering pizzas. Sometimes you get good tips, but other times you don’t. It’d okay to get frustrated or disappointed but it happens and you move on. After a while I got to know who would be a good tipper and who wouldn’t. While it wasn’t my dream job I learned more about dealing with people than any other place I’ve been. It was worth it just for that.

  4. I delivered flowers on the holidays and the people who were the least tippers were the wealthy, barely got a thank you from some, and I would deliver to senior citizens in the apartments and even if it were .50 they tipped and were so pleased to be getting flowers it made my heart happy and that was OK with me.

  5. “Those people, ” huh? Man you are two ignorant negros. She probably got tipped cash , eh? That’s a frickin’ ignorant statement to make with zero proof. You call yourselves christians? SMH. Atheists have stronger christian values than you two haters.


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