A critical issue. It must be emphasized and re-emphasized by the Trump campaign and independent media. The Biden administration and Democrat party have repeatedly lied and purposely misled the American people about his matter and every other from the economy to foreign policy. Will we remember in November?
Every day in CA, I watch as millions of Illegals take everything, destroy everything, harm everyone and bask in the Evil profits of the Give-Away that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris effected. 57% of Mexico’s economic strength comes directly from money sent directly there by Illegals and profits shared with the government by the various criminal cartels. With 457,000 known criminals who were imprisoned before becoming Illegals in America, Americans are under constant attack. In America, 89% of crimes are committed by Illegals. Deport every single one of them including the breeders who had 4 babies at American hospitals in the past 3.8 years. Deport. Deport.
Don’t forget they’re raping and murdering our American citizens. Also, they are living off our govt while our people are hurting. There are ports of entry that are the proper way to enter the US and they can wait in line along with other LEGAL immigrants for citizenship after they are vetted. The current admin wants us to stop calling them illegal aliens – that’s exactly what they are!
I’m a USA citizen, combat veteran of Vietnam who was wounded and suffer every day even after fifty plus years. It took 45 years for me to get my benefits. Yet, these illegals get benefits as soon as they cross our borders. We veterans and American citizens don’t get a free cell phone, lodging, SS benefits, medical care, hospitalization, housing, prescription drugs to mention just a few of the free things they receive. Our parents are rolling over in their graves seeing the shape the USA is in. It’s the land of the FREE only for the Illegals not us citizens anymore. When is America going to WAKE UP.
A critical issue. It must be emphasized and re-emphasized by the Trump campaign and independent media. The Biden administration and Democrat party have repeatedly lied and purposely misled the American people about his matter and every other from the economy to foreign policy. Will we remember in November?
Every day in CA, I watch as millions of Illegals take everything, destroy everything, harm everyone and bask in the Evil profits of the Give-Away that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris effected. 57% of Mexico’s economic strength comes directly from money sent directly there by Illegals and profits shared with the government by the various criminal cartels. With 457,000 known criminals who were imprisoned before becoming Illegals in America, Americans are under constant attack. In America, 89% of crimes are committed by Illegals. Deport every single one of them including the breeders who had 4 babies at American hospitals in the past 3.8 years. Deport. Deport.
I am not racist but I refuse to support people coming into our country with a 6th grade education and refuse to speak english
Don’t forget they’re raping and murdering our American citizens. Also, they are living off our govt while our people are hurting. There are ports of entry that are the proper way to enter the US and they can wait in line along with other LEGAL immigrants for citizenship after they are vetted. The current admin wants us to stop calling them illegal aliens – that’s exactly what they are!
This entire administration should be charged with treason.
I second the motion. Kamala and Joe should be held fully responsible for this border mess. They both should be sent straight to jail for treason.
I’m a USA citizen, combat veteran of Vietnam who was wounded and suffer every day even after fifty plus years. It took 45 years for me to get my benefits. Yet, these illegals get benefits as soon as they cross our borders. We veterans and American citizens don’t get a free cell phone, lodging, SS benefits, medical care, hospitalization, housing, prescription drugs to mention just a few of the free things they receive. Our parents are rolling over in their graves seeing the shape the USA is in. It’s the land of the FREE only for the Illegals not us citizens anymore. When is America going to WAKE UP.