The WOKE word police just banned these words! Make sure you don’t get arrested | Redacted News



This is gay

First amendment is to protect offensive speech GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY!


  1. Democrat, socialist, traitor, dictator and any other which refers to the democrat leadership. Just nothing referring to any kind of sex.

  2. Why don’t we not refer to them at all and act like they’re invisible why give them any power. I’m real sick of these who scream you hurt my feelings

    • I was thinking the same thing, if there is a group who is forcing upon this nation what we can or cannot say, why can we not eliminate all those who demand we keep changing the language we are all familiar with to more confusion and each time they feel the need to overcome all people with specialty category or definitions they feel are appropriate. Maybe we need to just do a nod to them in reference instead of dealing with this kind of BS.

  3. I like Terrie’s comments. good idea. woke b.s. and dem b.s. should all be ignored except in those instances where we can do something about an evil idea that surfaces with the dems.

  4. You fucking dumb asses are ignorant and stupid! How the fuck did you Donald trump supporters become so stupid! Only thing I could come up with is you all are racist. You want a dictator to run the country just like Russia one media outlet one person telling you what to do and think!! Read a book take a civics class! DUMB ASSES!!!!!!

  5. This post is way too long. Just say the stupid words and move on. This is so annoying and actually a little frightening. More and more, the United States and the freedoms we are supposed to have are disappearing. Vote in November for the pro-freedom candidate and that’s not who is in the White House currently.

  6. You know, I’ve read most of my bible. As it clearly states,

    “In the beginning God created Adam and Eve.” It did not say,

    “In the beginning God created Adam and Steve!” I’m sorry, but

    as they say, “There it is, handle it!”

  7. What if we all just start giving every stupid, ignorant, snowflake, jerk, unAmerican, dictator, a word of “color”? I think calling those and a few others should simply be called “blue words”.
    Have you ever read “1984”? The government decided to re-write all of the dictionaries to exclude the words, thoughts and expressions that could be expressed. I think we are getting pretty close to “newspeak”. I guess Yahoo News has cancelled me for discussing religion in my comments. It has been almost three months and I cannot even use a question mark comment. “Your comment failed to publish” is their response. I am looking at “See our community guidelines for more information”. There is no guidance to explain why I cannot even post a question mark. Not even one letter of the alphabet and no number can get past the “Your comment failed to publish” response.
    Oh, no, am I a snowflake who might melt? Nope.

  8. What does Politically Correct Mean?
    It means, “giving up your own Opinions & Beliefs, in order to please some Whiny Little Cry Babies.”


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