The View Host May Go To PRISON & Whoppi Makes INSANE Claim About Elon Musk, Donald Trump & JD Vance

The View Host May Go To PRISON & Whoppi Makes INSANE Claim About Elon Musk, Donald Trump & JD Vance



They’re so deranged and unhinged that they should be canceled ASAP. The producers should be held accountable also.

Even Whoopi’s cat hates her

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  1. Elon Musk was born in Pretoria, South Africa. He can’t be president or vice president except for Obama cause the Democrats make up their own insane way of doing things and then lie about it.

  2. The View hags are not in trouble, they work to further the deep state swine’s agenda and for that reason they get a get out of jail card no matter what they spew!

  3. Anybody that has been defamed because of ANY bald-faced lie that The View or any “news” outlet spews out of their hateful mouths should sue the sh*t out of them for defamation of character. Pack the courts with lawsuits. Hit them where it hurts. They shouldn’t get away with this. You know if the tables were turned they would do the same multiplied. There is no integrity whatsoever with these lib talk show hosts or the MSM. They have hatred running through their veins.

  4. I support Trump, and I also agree with Musk on a number if issues. But I’m a bit concerned with the dynamic between the two. In the long run, it’s probably not in Trump’s best interest to allow Musk to be so involved in his administration, considering that Musk is still primarily a businessman and not someone who was ever elected to office. It will be far too easy for Trump’s critics to question Musk’s true allegiance and point out numerous conflicts of interest in his suggestions. It’s fine to seek the input of smart people, but quite another to turn any actual decision making over to them – it makes Trump look weak, and we don’t need that at this point.

  5. Yeah, I’m seeing all kinds of crap out of the MSM suggesting tension between Trump and Musk and/or trying to provoke such, but it’s crapola. Trump knows he’s in charge. Musk has other interests outside politics and has no capacity to become President. However, they do have some common interests which bind them and they have Ramaswamy and Vance to balance matters. What’s really interesting is that, after 4 years of covering up for that hand puppet Biden’s entirely ceremonial presidency, the Dems are now (once again) projecting their own behaviors and issues onto Trump. “Oh, Trump’s not really in charge.” “Someone else (Musk) is actually calling the shots…” “Trump will be merely a figurehead for Musk…” – as tho’ “Dr.” Jill Biden hasn’t been running the White House for years, like Woodrow Wilson’s wife who signed all his bills while he was in a coma. Wilson, btw, was a Democrat, too. The whole Musk-Trump rivalry is Democratic wish projection. Personally, I strongly suspect that Musk will rip through the bureaucracy like a whirlwind, signaling the places he thinks cuts can be made, leaving the nuts and bolts to Trump and his team and he’ll then go back to planning his colony on Mars. Why, after all, would he settle for ruling the USA by proxy when he can be King of Mars?


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