The crowd TURNED ON HER when Tulsi Gabbard called her out on her CRAP!



Joy is so awful . How can people watch her

Person who has served their country for 16 years called names by someone who has only ever served themselves.


  1. Shove it a**hole. You’re a brainwashed zombie democrat who thinks your party walks on water. You wouldn’t know a smart intelligent woman if she bit you on your ass. Guess you think Hillary was your type of “savior” instead of the money and power grubbing shrew she is and that goes for “The View”. Their only view is from they’re overpriced ivory towers.

  2. This hateful bitch Behar has no respect for other women who can show they are strong intelligent and capable of being compassionate about others. Behar is an old rotten disgusting piece of shit who loves to criticize and degrade others. The world would be a better place without her in it.

  3. Everything leads back to Trump. Of course. Democrats lies, attacks, bad policies, incompetent people, insults, cannot answer simple questions without yelling at the person questioning them. Guess Trump is responsible for something. While all these people are irresponsible with anything they touch. Border, Economy, Mismanagement of money. Put Americans last, and illegal immigrants, Iran, China, Hamas, and criminals with weak Prosecutors and dumbo Soros, first. So despite all of these disasters. MAGA and Trump are to blame. Only someone like Biden would confuse reality. I mean Socialist, Communist, Marxist, Authoritarian, supporters. No good. The Mainstream Media are covering for Biden and his terrible decisions. That, and the enablers around him, are not real Americans. Corrupt narcissists. God protect us from these evil people and their terrible decisions. In Jesus Name. Amen.

  4. You got that right Wes. Its a shame; the democrat party use to be good party and for the people; don’t know what changed them in a hateful party of hypocrits and liars, and name callers and anti-Americans. They brought it on themselves; don’t know which politician or president did it; guess it developed over time. It may be the greed or their lust for control, or Soros brainwashing them with his money support.

  5. “The View” is the classic example of two kinds of CORRUPTION/STUPIDITY. FIRST, is a collection of “dumpster garbage” who are
    dumb enough to demonstrate their “no-brain/
    all mouth” UNDER-EDUCATED DRIVEL!!!
    SECOND, the morons need the support and approval of today’s TOTALLY STUPID, TOTALLY
    “dumpster” party; LED BY TWO DEGENERATE
    PIECES OF GARBAGE, Obama and Biden!!!!

  6. Aww! How cute ! Another of the Democrats ” useful idiots” spouts his hate this proving his intelligence is extremely low !! These people are so uneducated and ignorant it is a wonder they know how to tie their shoes.
    Course Hillary said ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated”” and they love to prove her correct!!

  7. Come on people even someone that has only two partly functioning brain cells needs entertainment. These women between them all cant come up with the level of conscious thought. The only people that watches are ones that need a good laugh.——- I, Grampa

    • Only uneducated, ignorant people like “the truth” who made previous comment would watch utterly clueless, ignorant fools that are on the View.
      Remember Hillary said Democrat voters basically STUPID

  8. It is time for Behar to retire along with her other communist friends. How this vermin show has remained on the air is beyond anything we could imagine. These old bitties are a group of women who open their mouths, and we watch as their heads disappear. It really doesn’t seem to me that they research anything before they open their pieholes. Ruthless non informative is what I give them as their best effort to suppress anyone who view is different from theirs. Just quit watching or supporting their sponsors and they will go away.


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