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Squatters Move Into NYC Mansion… Refuse To Leave

Squatters Move Into NYC Mansion… Refuse To Leave



NYC is totally screwed. The Big Apple is a rotten core.

these laws are baffling…so lemme get this right…… I’m from Nigeria, economy is struggling rn, i need a better place to move to…i get on a boat for little cash, get to the southern boarder, get into nyc, get a free credit card filled with money for me to use paid by the nyc tax payers FOR FREE…if i don’t like things i can protest…if i don’t have a home i can break into a home and claim i’ve lived there and nothing will happen, then i can sublet the apartment to others for less than usual and make free money, if i don’t have money, i can steal from a store as long as it doesn’t surpass 1000USD, then move from store to store to reset the limit, get free products, then sell at a lower cost FOR 100% PROFIT….all while law abiding americans pay for me and suffer on my behalf………………this needs to be broadcasted throughout the world so everyone can go there and enjoy this benefit cuz this is madness, there is a fine line between generosity and foolishness lmao. why law abiding newyorkers are still abiding by the laws is beyond me

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