Something Insane Is About To Happen. It Will Change Politics Forever. Get Ready…



Let’s get TRUMP back into white house . Who’s VOTING ️ TRUMP 24 with me!!????❤️ ️

sick of seeing and hearing obama


  1. how can this be!!!!!! just two weeks ago the democrats and media were telling us it was a vast right wing conspiracy to claim joe biden was demented. How could they all be so wrong?

    the press secretary said it was insulting just to ask the question!

    Rachel Maddow said it was trump that was demented not biden. Does Rachel’s lie counter count Rachel’s lies?

    This is just more proof that democrats lie all of the time.

    The honest people said biden was demented 4 years ago when he was hiding in the basement. Democrats, and the media, have been lying about biden for a long time. now they can just live with the election disaster their lies have created.

    I hope he takes down the entire jew hating, pervert, corrupt democrat party with him.

    • Rachel is demented but thinks she’s normal. She recognizes her own but can’t admit it because she would give herself away.

  2. Biden is a puppet and has been from 2009-2017 and 2021 to the present. The Left/Democrats have planned this and want us to focus on him and his gross incompetence while they continuously manipulate behind the scenes in their quest to destroy our nation. Biden is assuredly an issue but we must focus on the Democrats real aim. We can’t afford to have any Democrat in any elected office.

    • You’re right. Biden is just a decoy for the American people to focus on while the evil mastermind puppeteers are plotting the destruction of America.

  3. The man that said there won’t be an election hit nail on the head why does Obama continued to hang around because he is the Manchurian Candidate ..

  4. I knew when Obama never left Washington, D.C. and bought just another multi-million-dollar mansion that it had a secret tunnel right to the White House.


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