Oprah needs to apologize to the people of Hawaii! Give back the land you stole from the indigenous residents
As a 50 year old American, I never could understand Winfrey. She is a hypocrite and greedy.
Oprah needs to apologize to the people of Hawaii! Give back the land you stole from the indigenous residents
As a 50 year old American, I never could understand Winfrey. She is a hypocrite and greedy.
So, it takes a foreign news media to question Kamala’s credibility? Our so called media should step up & finally tell the truth how this woman is totally unqualified to be president.
Without cue cards or a teleprompter, this worst example of a VP in American history cannot formulate or articulate a single cohesive thought! The thought, however, that this woman ‘might’ be the next “Leader of The (not so) FREE World” is beyond TERRIFYING.
Kamala was a prostitute, not that its a bad thing, its the oldest profession on the planet. That is how she got her first BMW. But she been conniving thru college and into gov’t service ever since. Has yet to answer questions, just answers about feelings and growing up in the middle class. If you ever seen the neighborhood she talks about, its filled with gated mansions.
after thirty years of perfecting the casual talk interview the ultra extreme leftist Oprah Winfrey could not keep Kamala Harris from making herself into a fool in the Kamala / Oprah interview.
The fact is that Kamala Howard college professor is correct. Kamala Harris is the worst student and dumbest person ever to be in his class with 40 years of students going to his classes that is saying a lot. He is literally telling you that out of about 8000 students kamala was the bottom.
Biden was the bottom of his class and kamala is the bottom of all classes. Now tell me again about the story of democrats being educated intelligent people?
Democrats are the beer drinking drug taking swill of the campuses they are on.
Oprah did enough damage when she introduced and backe “The Kenyan”
a room full of losers and single