Rev Al Sharpton Ends MSNBC With Trump Statement



The granddaddy grifter of racism!

I don’t believe in this rat


  1. Coming from a drug dealer FBI rat that’s rich. He’s a pinheaded POS who should never be called reverend. He’s nothing more than a jailhouse preacher looking for his next grift. And his only audience is people who have the same zero mentality.

  2. Al Sharpton has been a lying race baiter his entire life. He has been a good living blackmailing companies and pretending there is “Institutional racism”.

    Do you know why the term institutional racism was invented? because no one can give examples of where blacks have been specifically discriminated against.

    It is interesting because everyday a new example of where white males are discriminated against shows up and no one seems to be outraged by it.

    Elizabeth Warren claims to be native american because she has 1/1000 percentage DNA that may be native american. well I have more african DNA then that so when they hand out reparations this polish kid is getting in line.

    • Ive been saying this is reverse discrimination all you have to do is look at our sports teams you have to look hard to see a white guy on the Basketball floor, same goes on the Football field and Baseball isnt much different. Dont get me wrong Im not complaining Im just trying to make an example that this country isnt a racist country like the likes of Al Sharpton has claimed his whole life! If it were we wouldnt have fought the Civil War!!!!Actually Hollywood and the music industry have also caught up so where is the racism??? There is none!

  3. I agree with anyone that can see through the fake Reverend Sharpton. He’s quite a piece of work. He always seems to show up when he’s least wanted. I would go so far as to call him a “snake oil” salesman that specializes in hate.

    • Well, we all know how to take care of that problem except we can’t afford to have more cities burned down because of low mentality democrat voters.

  4. He’s scammed more money out of the black people. He’s no more a Reverend. He needs to go to the Detroit Church President Trump went and the Pastor attended the RNC. That gentleman could raise the dead. Did his daughter ever get her money from NYC for being so clumsy she broke HER HEEL?


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