Peter Doocy: Kamala walked this back immediately



This woman should not be running as President of our country

The moment shes is allowed to open her mouth unscripted,she starts destroying her campaign. There’s a reason they’re not asking her questions.


  1. Let’s not go from Dementia Joe to Kooky Kacklea. If you morons vote for this DEI hire, we’ll all be speaking Chinese in four years. Trump 2024.

  2. We all are in for a SEVERLY rough ride if this woman is elected. I honestly fear that the United States will not survive four years under her RULE.

    • Presidents don’t “rule” – They GOVERN – as long as we are willing to hold them accountable. Make yourself heard !!! I agree with you.

  3. I agree with both comments above☝️. If this woman is elected and her vice president America will end up being a socialist, and communist country. I will move to Canada before I live in a country that will tell me how to live. FUCK THAT SHIT!!! Fuck Kamala Harris 🖕. Trump 2024!

    • You won’t want to do that. Trudeau is afflicted with the parasitic woke mind virus. He is a SOCIALIST with his probable father being Castro. It is now a socialist country, much like Minnesota’s governor has ruined it.

      • You do realize that Justin’s father Pierre was the 15th PM of Canada are you not and although I do not know much about the government administration during his time as PM it is quite likely he adhered to the Marxist ideology

    • I keep telling those who for now at least are legally able to bear arms they had better stop their ranting and pick up their arms and wage a long over due World War, because the evil Globalist agenda is a global concern and unlike so many past military conflicts that could have and should have never been waged this time the average world citizen cannot.

  4. israel nor the ukraine should be receiving military arms from the United States nothing more than charity and in regards to israel whose citizens per capita make more money than your average United States citizen that is am unjust act.

    Between the ukraine and israel the our arsenal has been sorely depleted of some of our most effective and sophisticated weapons.

    The people in israel have been scientifically proven to be Khazarians and not descendents of Abraham, the ukraine which has never been a sovereign nation until very recently was part of the Khazarian empire and that is where those who have been lying for centuries about their heritage need to go.

  5. Country has gone to shit!! She will get elected becasue of the State run media will help her PERIOD. CASE CLOSED Before we know it all media outlets and social media will be propaganda just like CHina and Russia. So sad the Country has changed for the worse in just a few years !!


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