One Simple Question Shuts Down Confused Feminist



Yes. That “trap” she’s being pulled into is truth and logic. ‍♂️

I wish you well in the coming situation where now, as a feminist, you are going to live under the tyranny of men who think they are women. Nailed it!


  1. Wow,,, just another twisted definition to serve the WOKE a$$holes.. I always though that a feminist was a biological female who , with the shift in the societal norm, was no longer interested in being told that her only allowable function in life was to be an ‘accessory” to a man’s life, make his home, clean his home,cook like a master chef, do his laundry , bear his name and his kids, look like a model, and support him in the advancement of his career, lifestyle, while suppressing her own desires, interests, intelligence and self worth as a human being. My mother was neither allowed to drive a car nor work, had to account for every cent she spent on food , utilities, etc…… My observation, with no input, back in the day from media, groups,or other influence was in no uncertain terms…..F–K this!!!!! Never in my lifetime will I be treated as a servant, arm candy, subservient, available “hole”… I am every bit as intelligent, if not more so that many males. I can do all of the above and am capable of much more. NO I can’t change the oil in my car. WHY? Because nobody took the time to TEACH me /SHOW me how to do it. Could I rebuild an engine? Sure if someone taught me. How do males learn? Osmosis, or just a Savant born with that capability..? HELL NO They are TAUGHT by those who think they can learn that sort of work. So…. Feminism to me, wayyyyy back in the late 60’s only meant that I was finally allowed not to have to play stupid to make a guy look smart. That I could actually be a doctor, or an accountant or an engineer, rather than a secretary or a school teacher. IT opened doors of opportunity to fulfill my capability and interest… NOW?? To claim to be a feminist negates anything female, promotes being a lesbo, and supporting the freak TRANS community… What the hell went wrong????????????


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