Obama CAUGHT spreading LIES about Trump! This ends NOW!!



People are losing their homes and are struggling to buy food! Thanks to Obama and Biden! Thank goodness Trump is coming back!!

Let’s get this straight, 2020 was stolen and im sick of people saying it wasn’t!!!!!!


      • RINOs are demoncrats who ran as Republicans to infiltrate the Republican party…. to obstruct, to block, to destroy the Republican party’s efforts to make us great again, and to stop the Republicans from “undoing all the damage that the communist demoncrat party has done to us, and are continually doing to us and our country every single day”. They are more determined to take us down than most of us are to save ourselves from them.

        ” Invasion, Infiltration, Indoctrination, Manipulation, Propaganda Lies, Division, Racism, Intimidation with Gang Up Bully tactics, Name Calling, Insults, Fear, Smear and Slander tactics, Character Assassination, Violence & Chaos.”

        It’s all in the book by the communist Saul Alinsky, “Rules for Radicals”, and also, “The Cloward & Piven Strategy”. This book and these instruction are how to conquer an entire nation for communism, and are the demoncrat’s bible.

        We are being herded into communism and “used” to destroy ourselves and our country for them…. and many, many have absolutely no clue.


        Fools rush in, where wise men never go.

    • all that were involved in “allowing” the half breed from Kenya and the word salad chef from Canada to run for POTUS need to be arrested. They took an oath, cashed their paycheck and didn’t do their job. THAT is called fraud, a felony.

  1. If I had to vote in a presidential contest between Vitto Corleone and
    Joe Biden I would definitively vote in Vitto Corleone.

  2. It’s no longer necessary to make any distinction between democrats and RINOs (or neocons). They all fall under the category of globalists. In fact, the current political parties have no meaning whatsoever. The reality is that the struggle in America is between the nationalists and globalists. One represents sovereignty and freedom while the other represents slavery to multi-national elite masters. It’s really that simple, and many are unfortunately NOT choosing freedom. This decision will likely haunt them one day, should the world last that long.


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