New Jersey Drone Sighting Origins REVEALED LIVE On Fox News?



There is zero chancethat our government is going to be honest

When he said ” it’s not our government, they would have let us know” l almost spit coffee all over my phone.


  1. who ever is doing this, fjb is letting them, he holds big grudges and presently has one against demodopes and america
    whomever’s job it is to find where these things come from should be fired! this is total bullshit

  2. If it’s not Iran, as FOX News say, then who? Could it be UFO, UAP, or just a game someone is playing? Regardless of who it is the USA is responsible for letting it continue while the nation and the world looks on for answers from the powers that be. Me personally I believe it’s UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon), Or Extraterrestrial.

  3. If they say there’s a mother ship have the USG go take a look. The NWS can fly thru a hurricane I don’t see why the government doesn’t send a couple copters or boasts out to take a look. Something is very fishy about this whole thing.

  4. This whole situation smells bad. Drones invading our airspace and the government is not interested? Why not shoot them down? If you can’t control our airspace what good are you as a military. We need a whole new military approach to security. If one dropped a bomb, would the military claim it wasn’t a very big bomb? This is a sickening view of US security. We had China do a several day flyover, now days of drone surveillance allowed. What next?

  5. I watched the things going on with Israel and Iran a couple months ago. I bought a U.S. drone company stock at under $2.00 a share. It went to $11.00, but has backed to $7.00-$8.00. RCAT with all Congresswoman NY Claudia Tenney and former Special Force’s drone expert Bret **** were chatting about. Red Cat has several military contracts. I’m expecting it to continue in the near future. We are still behind in drone warfare. I say it’s still a buy!

  6. It’s Saturday the 13th. And haven’t heard anything new about the drones flying around the East Coast??? It’s concerning and scary so why the secrecy? Please communicate with us the American citizens as it affects us all!

    • Shoot one down and see what gives……..on public TV.

      I’ve got O’Biden/Balloon/Angst. When that fool let it go ALL the way across out country before shooting it down.

      If there are Iranians out there, they keep thinking “damned fool Biden won’t do anything til it’s too late!”

  7. There’s something happening here
    What it is ain’t exactly clear
    There’s a man denying a drone over there
    Telling us we don’t need to beware…..

    You gotta stop, son,
    Look around!
    There’s a whole lot of lying
    Going down…….

  8. I don’t think this has a damn thing to do with Iran – if it did, the government would be telling us all about it while acting to neutralize them. I think this is another scheme designed to ultimately get rid of Trump, and our current administration is up to their necks in it. At this point in time, I’m much more concerned about the threat coming from our own government than any foreign one. There is an unbelievable amount of rot in this system – I just hope Trump is able to cut it out and destroy it before it destroys him. The only real hope here is for divine intervention once again.

  9. My logic has always been, when there is a problem, go to the source. If this mothership or source is out there , you’re that much closer as to what you are up against !

  10. One thing we know: If his lips are moving, MayorkASS is lying. He said: “We have not seen anything unusual. We have not seen any unusual activity. We know of no treat. We know of no nefarious activity.” Listen to his BS:

    Is the deep state or a foreign entity planning to attack President Trump with these drones?

  11. It is entirely the Zanti Misfits…a extraterrestrial society that are incapable of executing their own…they sent them here for us to do it!

  12. No1
    Any drone over 249gr thats roughly 8oz is supposed to be licensed by the FAA.

    China(DJI) sold Iran drones.

    I own a DJI under 248gr drone and they have a direct connection to whatever I may record on my “hobby” drone

  13. Well once again first it was so called spy balloons …now its undisclosed drones..make no mistake the biden administration knows where these drones are coming from and it’s funny the FAA….also knows..
    I’m a Marine vet trust me the administration..knows they just don’t want the American people to know…


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