this is what fake journalists say when all if their lies and attacks backfire and they are faced with the probability of their evil actions coming back at them.
These sleazeballs are literally saying: ” I was supposed to get to lie and attack and defame people with no repercussions!” I hope their fears come true and trump has the FBI toss all of them in prison for 2 years with no trials like the jan 6th grandma’s got.
I hope trump finds a way to shut down most of the democrats news networks by fining them couple billion dollars per lie.
this is what fake journalists say when all if their lies and attacks backfire and they are faced with the probability of their evil actions coming back at them.
These sleazeballs are literally saying: ” I was supposed to get to lie and attack and defame people with no repercussions!” I hope their fears come true and trump has the FBI toss all of them in prison for 2 years with no trials like the jan 6th grandma’s got.
I hope trump finds a way to shut down most of the democrats news networks by fining them couple billion dollars per lie.