MSNBC PANICS, quickly cutting the feed the moment this happened!!!



95% Propaganda

MSDNC is pure propaganda trash


  1. Democratic politicians have changes. They are not for the people anymore, Just the corporations who give them money do what they want. Corporations have them in their back pocket.

  2. The corrupt,anti-american Demonrats are all about power and don’t give a crap about the citizens of our country,stop voting blue or say goodbye to our country and our freedom,Trump 2024

    • I believe they try to maneuver politics and do what they can. I was a union steward for SEIU one thousand 770. Whenever we were in contract negotiations, management would spread the “raise” rumors. Management released its second-level managers to tell members the union turned down a big raise. I would have to redirect the narrative to the truth. Management would give a big raise if you paid full medicall; thereby, management paid nothing into health care. While management was wasting our time with this, real issues to strengthen the contract language were set on the back burner.
      Don’t be fooled by “right to work”. They are right; you have a right to work! We all have that right. It’s how you choose to work! Unionize! Union Strong!

  3. For the past many decades, I have found that Congress (and my own Communist state legislature in CA) take lobbyiest money and permit them to write legislation, often passed without reading it. The Dems are worse in that they want to keep the power with the money. In CA, they own the state, most counties and many cities. Stop the twin Commie Harris/Walz ticket, vote for sanity (if not the purest of characters, Trump) even if not all their policies are moderate or to one’s preference (Dems point to those terrible Trump tariffs-Biden doubled down on them and the feds are now raking in over $142 billion annually, 50% more than during Trump’s adm).

  4. RFK and Trump differ greatly on many serious issues, but I believe that they both love this country and will in a continuity of the American political culture find ways to create workable policy in spite of that fact. MAGA is hardly perfect, but out where they can be seen doing it Trump and RFK will, from different sides, synthesize a consensus. That is the way it is supposed to work!


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