MSNBC Caught In MASSIVE COVER-UP: You’re Not Supposed To See This



If Biden is fit, why won’t he take the test?

How can they state he’s mentally fit yet also state he’s not mentally fit to stand trial!? They can’t have it both ways


    • Obama definitely is guilty of treason vs the USA. He needs to be tried and put away to restore honesty and decency to the legal system.

    • GASLIGHTING!!!!! How about out and out lies. Once upon a time the net works had some credibility, they fired lying Brian Williams, now nbc have at least a dozen, that is way past , the door hitting them in the butt. Cbs fired the afternoon anchor for lying.

  1. Scarborough is, and has been, a total Leftist ass for the entirety of his worthless career. The gaslighting, if you will, really began with Obama, a creation of those who would destroy our nation.

  2. O’Biden is a split personality.

    One side is unfit to take the test.

    The other side is unfit to govern.


  3. How can you find a liar, a fool and an ass kisser, just tune into CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, Msnbc, and any other looser left wing media idiots. It’s all about the money.

  4. MSDNC needs to be put out of business. Scarborough is a paid monkey, who will repeat whatever the White House tells him.

    • …and that’s just the beginning. Joe, Hunter and rest of family are corrupt traitors to America. Their day of reckoning will come.

  5. Obummer was the start of the Big racial divide… here in his third term it is more evident than ever! Shame on him and them for supporting an UnAmerican and his socialist beliefs!

  6. Scarborough is a total embarrassment. He is one of those people who thinks they know something but in reality they no NOTHING. But that doesn’t stop them from trying to convince other stupid people of their nonsense.

  7. People love free stuff. They also feel guilt free for having enough when they vote liberal. One woman. Said she wasn’t a liveralshe was a caring person. I simply give up. The left just played their part in getting rid of Biden surprisingly to let him hang himself

  8. The only problem is that the rest of the world can see how vulnerable we are under Obiden!!!!!!!. I just hope that we can make the change before we get attacked from within our country by the unvented communist that this Ass we have as so-called president .the thing that pisses me off the most is we the taxpayers have to pay for the unvented illegals until we pay to send them back to their country.
    So talk about a total waste of taxpayers dollars.

  9. well biden proved to the world last night he is not mentally fit so that is that.

    The fake news just got handed their walking papers. Did CNN, MSNBC and the NYT think demented joe’s dementia was never going to become obvious?

    • Actually, the ‘proof’ that Biden was not fit to be POTUS was available long before he ran for the office! The problem in America is that ‘contrary’ to the claim by the media, network talking heads, and politicians, that “The American People Are Not Stupid,” the “American People Are Quite Stupid.” At least those participating in that thing called ‘The American Electorate’ are completely stupid. Were that no so, America would not be where she is today, running as some 2nd rate ‘Banana Republic,’ and not even as well, and headed rapidly toward that ‘Ash Heap of History’ where ALL ‘former’ World Powers reside.

  10. Coup d’Etat started before President Trump left Trump Towers. Comey and many others need to feel the rope. Not good enough for a rifle squad. The last big proof is the letter that 51 Intel Analysts signed on official government letterhead. Have their clearances been suspended pending investigation? Who’s idea was it to do this letter, since the FB-Lie was already hiding it and putting out rumors to the internet companies to softly disseminate, “This is Russian miss-information”, when they knew the March previous to the election it was verified 100% pure Hunter Bribem real with enough evidence to put the entire family in Leavenworth! Why was it so important that they rig the election and put this corrupt “bought and paid for” treasonous pos in the Oval Office? ANSWER: Because Barrack had the goods on him! Barrack destroys our country, and MaGoo signs the EO’s and doesn’t even need a gun to his head. And Donald Trump got in their way!

  11. Anyone needing information from MSNBC, and especially from these two twits, may want to consider the need for their long overdue lobotomy.

    Listening to either one of them starts the stomach churning and the need to change the channel before the spew begins, not from them, from me!

  12. Look, big media is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the DNC. Don’t expect journalism — that died a long time ago. They are all propaganda hacks in COLLUSION with the DNC to further their Commie agenda. The DNC has staffers at each network to give daily ‘talking points’ to the on-air talking heads so that a common message is broadcast out to their low-information audience. Do not trust big media with providing unbiased news.

  13. Fire wagon and Jim, you are spot on, the talking heads at these media outlets, are truly the enemy of { we the people}


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