Melania Trump SHOCKS Everyone With PROOF Stormy Daniels Wanted Ruin



Why is anyone paying attention to anything Stormy Daniels has to say??

who the hell else just flat outright can not stand Stormy


  1. I believe pres. Trump. I do not believe a crazy broad who has had sex with, who knows how many men, on video no less. I believe Trump in no way would sacrifice his family, his name, especially his wife, for this pay per view bimbo. Especially since Pres Trump is a known germaphobe. He is a nice guy who would take photos with anyone who ask him. This crazy whore is so out of touch would take money just to say this, probably some demorat wrote the script. She is an old has been and needs money.

    • LOL, Didn’t he cheat on Ivana with Marla Maples? Got married, had Tiffany and divorced her before their prenup went up from $1 million dollars to? Now Melania renegotiated her pre nup because of all of his legal woes.. BTW, he had been caught over 40,000 times lying or misrepresenting things just in his 4 year presidency. Yeah, good idea to believe him!!!!

      • You are just another LIBERAL using false accusations and not the first actual statement that shows he has used lies to further his President office.

      • How in the hell did you come up with 40,000 lies. I will say that nobody is perfect, but President Trump is not a liar. You’re listening to corrupt, evil, racist democrats and believe their B.S. Nobody has ever lied more than Joe Biden, if you don’t want to admit it to the public, at least admit it to yourself.

      • The media would accuse Trump of lying if he said he walked into a room at 4:00pm and was really 4:05pm. In the meantime they cover up every blatant lie that Biden has said from the earliest days on! Even his statements about his class ranking in law school have been proven to be a lie! Now lets talk about his lies regarding him and is son Hunter’s illegal dealings and Joe’s Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine over firing a prosecutor that was investigating the Ukraine company that Hunter was working for (while he had NO experience and a huge drug addiction!)
        Yeah…crickets from the media on all this and sooooooo much more! Biden even lied about where his son died! (and if you presume that was just an age related mistake then you have to agree that he’s not in any state to run the Country!) Just a couple of examples out of many…….let’s say, 40,000 like you say Trump has made.

      • Will you condemn Biden ?? He cheated on his wife with his now current wife !! He is a sexual molester, and a child molester!!
        And how about the prostitute you Democrats voted in as Veep?
        You ok with them ?? Then shut up!!

    • Great insight! But, even if he had sex with her, it is nobody’s business, and is not subject to 34 felonies. Demented Biden and his party of thieves and whores are getting ridiculous. Old Joe should better count with how many married men his slutty cackling VP Kamala had had sex simultaneously to advance her career.

        • Oh, that character. You did not mention his lying to the entire country from the White House “I did not have sex with that woman!” and Monica’s dress stained with his semen. How many felonies did slick Willy deserve for orally raping a young intern fully dependent on him and contaminating the Oral (err…Oval) Office with his biohazardous excretions?

  2. Trump is the only hope for us now-! The majority corrupt “Deep State Uni-Party (Rinos & Demo-Communist slugs are destroying our country…. 🙏

    • I hope he is not our only hope. By paying that prostitute hush money, he exhibited very poor judgment. It was sufficient just to say “I don’t know that woman. She is trying to extort money from me,” and Daniels’ story would dissipate like some smoke without a fire. Instead, he gave up to the classic extortion. Also, hiring that Judas Cohen was unforgivable, the ugly face and demeanor of that sleaze tells you everything about him. Yet, Trump’s worst sin during his first presidency was his lack of resolution towards destroying the corrupt deep state that came back to bite him lately.

      • If Trump did that it was years ago…(notably when he was still a registered Democrat). She signed a legal non-disclosure agreement and then she broke it.
        He had gotten sick of the lies and corruption that he witnessed firsthand and set out to change it/bring it down, so he went from a ‘D’ to an ‘R’. Dems got scared. They knew what Trump was capable of and so they and their media went after him, the same way that they went after their ‘ecosaviour’ Elon Musk when he started speaking out about their politics.

      • well non-disclosure agreements are pretty common. I have sign four of them. anytime you have knowledge that could impact a organization or product the company is going to want you for keep your mouth shut. the military has people sign them all the time too.

        I find it much more of an example of poor judgement that every long range weather forecasting model is increasingly over predicting temperatures and they will not correct them. the divergences between actual temperatures and predicted temperatures has steadily grow to the point predictions are all 3 to 10 degrees higher then the actual temperature.

        Despite this obvious incorrect modeling the democrats and environmentalists are destroying our economic and hurt people based on the predictions.

        when you think about that level of poor judgement trumps sexual activities seem pretty unimportant don’t they?

  3. Demonrats hate TRUMP and that’s good enough for me I hate Demonrats they hate America and Americans I have no clue why people vote for them other then they love to suffer some people hate the good life

    • totally agree with you.

      I use to vote for democrats and republicans parties. after obama and biden I will never vote for a democrat ever again.

    • No, she did not, because it was a compensation for the incredible pain and suffering that the professional prostitute had suffered as a result of her alleged tryst with Trump. She is still experiencing the consequences of it and cannot service her clients as efficiently as before. Poor, poor woman… she should sue Trump for her permanent disability.

      • wow! that is impressive!

        trump must have such a huge member that even a porn star can;t handle it. pretty amazing when you realize daniels had sex with a horse in a porn movie.

        Good for trump.

  4. You can pretty much bet almost all billionaires in the public eye have had numerous accusations to defame, extort, retaliate, put in their place and whatever else to influence and/or gain in some sick and demonic way. Any comments here are based on what you WANT to believe. The facts were supposedly presented, but the NY trial was completely biased and a sham with without being able to defend. Those biased need to walk in the others’ shoes to know what it’s like. Fabricated trials need to be called out and punished to the full extent of whatever laws we have left in this country. Otherwise, this is NOT the country I used to know.

  5. People sure think they know a lot about somebody else’s business and are so quick to judge them. It does nothing but plays right into what the media wants for us. And that is Hating someone or one another politically racially or by their faith. Everybody just needs to take a breath and watch the events unfold. It’s not going to go well for the dishonest and corrupt. Karma has a funny way of happening.

  6. The media keeps Stormy alive here is a woman that had intimate relations with animals being given credibility and it’s not working

    • exactly. she is a disgusting, lying, vile person. we would be better off as a country if she were tossed in a rendering tank and slowly turned into fertilizer.

  7. What if the story is the other way around? What if it was Stormy that set Trump up and tried to rape him? She wants Melania to divorce Donald. What if Stormy wants to get Trump to try and marry him? Maybe this is make-believe but stranger things have happened. If Stormy gets away with her sexual lawsuit, we can still sue her. We have that right. We can take her down. However, I think, or I know things will come out okay in the end. Trump may go to jail, and he will, I think, then all Hell is going to break loose. Thee secret service idiots will be removed so Trump won’t have their protection, but the Military will step in and take all matters into their hands. The guards may not survive. Ha ha, too bad!

  8. That Donald Trump demonstrates profound poor judgment is repeatedly obvious. Nevertheless, Stormy Daniels is nothing more than a vile and worthless female who stoops to the lowest possible morals at every turn. There is nothing of value to be found in Ms. Daniels, and her choices and decisions to pursue more notoriety and/or money only deepens her worthless and vile character. She is total trash. She’s a materialist whose word means nothing, and for choosing her, Mr. Trump deserves total disrespect. That Mr. Trump chases vile females like Stormy while married justifies any shame he gets.

  9. Stormy daniels has changed her story about trump more times then she has changed her bra (i would have said underwear, but she likely doesn’t wear any). She is completely dishonest person.

    No jury on earth should have believed her or Cohen.

    I hope when this is all over trump sues both of them for a couple hundred million and then puts them in prison for non-payment.


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