MASSIVE Black Lives Matter RIOTS ERUPT Over Kyle Rittenhouse University Of Memphis Speech!



The same people saying Kyle is a killer think George Floyd is a hero.

Kyle Rittenhouse was not convicted of murder. She and her organization should be sued for deformation.


  1. Guessing blm wants or needs more free stuff. Thats the only reason they do this stupid BS. After all the money that given them and how badly they wasted all that money and never helped any blacks except themselves. You really think given them more is going to help ??? Get real now, and stop be a smuck for them.

    • BLM riots only help Trump win the election !!! The majority of people, in this country, are sick of the violence and the radical groups that use their agendas to break the law and destroy private property…they break into stores and steal whatever they want….they need to be arrested…this needs to stop !!!

      • Their mansions must need some work. The three women that started BLM are multi-millionaires. Any money donated to them does NOT go to help poor minority families. Check it out!

  2. The people Kyle defended himself against weren’t black, so why is “only black lives matter” protesting Kyle Rittenhouse? Because they want more free shit like Old Wolf said! Period!

  3. I have to agree these animals just want to pillage and rob but not work, they think this world, country owes them a living and it’s getting sicking. Get a job, if you can afford to riot and party you can pay your school loans.

  4. Rioting should be put down with severe force and maximum jail time, time this race baiting is done away with, MLK is rolling over in his grave with the shenanigans they are doing.

    • I agree, Dennis. Enough is enough. Between the 1619 Project and BLM they are being lied too so more scared white folks pony up more money for them to steal. White folks better wake up and stop falling for this brainwashing agenda that is being spewed.

  5. BLM must want more money for mansions. Do these university students realize no blacks were shot by Mr. Rittenhouse ? Mr. Rittenhouse was found innocent because he acted in self defense. It is difficult to believe these university students will earn a degree when they display their ignorance of facts. They are a blight on the university’s that admit them.

  6. I want to make it clear, that just because they fired the president of Harvard, doesn’t mean Harvard university stopped antisemitism and hatred against jews, which btw has been going on forever. Firing the head of the snake, didn’t stop the poison from infiltrating the campuses across America. The ideology of hatred of all types is a cancer on our campuses around the world. And NO ONE, not republicans or Democrats are doing a damn thing.

    • Hit the nail on the head. Division is what the democrats are looking for. I just wish the Republican party would get their heads out of the asses and stop being the Ol well party.

  7. Ok I am confused. what does BLM have to do with the Rittenhouse case? there were no Black people involved and no one was convicted of murdering anyone.

    They must have run out of money and are trolling for democrats funds.

  8. Who is this halting nobody making a fuss as if he is a relevant blogger? And what does Kyle Rittenhouse have to do with Black Lives? Sounds like another CIA hoax op in advance of November or some such continuing war on free speech and democracy. (Using “free speech” to suppress OTHERS’ free speech is NOT free speech). Man, it is easy to rile up dumb people. Surprised they are not protesting the tooth fairy. I’m 10 IQ points down just watching these tribal buffoons.

  9. The first time I saw a BLM sign i thought. “no shit of course they matter”. Then I went to the Fair and saw the shirts for sale and I thought, “what a neat racket.’ “This scam will be a money maker”.

  10. Since when is it against the law to defend yourself? Kyle Rittenhouse was defending himself, if he didn’t do so he wouldn’t be alive today. These Black Lives Matter shitheads are ignorant and only want to riot, steal and destroy businesses AGAIN!! They weren’t arrested or charged with the lives that were killed. It’s sickening that this is happening to innocent people.

  11. These rioters aren’t helping their cause one bit! They are showing their true colors because they make absolutely no sense! this group should be abolished due to its abuse, misuse of $, destruction, defamation etc…

  12. please explain which Black live/s was lost in Kenosha WI during the Antifa riots
    NONE no one
    when Blacks stop killing other Blacks the way they do now
    I’ll care
    call me
    Obama got want he wanted a divided nation

  13. Might be useful to note what BLM has ever done for anyone except themselves. They are grifters!! Anyone contributing to them is a damn fool. Most of what they have ever done would get a white guy in jail! But black Democrats have a special place in this administration


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