Mad Maxine Waters Let The Cat Out Of The Bag!



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Maxines, Pelosis, Bidens, Clintons….names that need to go away


  1. IF there were any REAL men in Amerika, the RED states would have separated from this evil empire a L O N G time ago. A 2nd amendment is useless to a coward. Amerika is full of cowards, being ruled by sissies & perverts in a socialist gov’t. Throw them ALL in jail

  2. All of these jackass leftist are making it sounds like President Trump is out for revenge. This amazing man is fighting to keep our country from a One World Order or Reset this means he is fighting for us so the liberal left can’t destroy the United States of America. The left is wanting to have the power to control so they can dictate what happens in our lives. With this control we will not be able to own anything up and including our own money. Imagine being told when you can go anywhere buy something or make any decisions that you want to do? PEOPLE THIS IS ONE WORLD ORDER OR AS ITS KNOWN AS RESET!!! This is the truth so help me God. Look at what this party wants now, it’ll be 100 times worse after they complete their mission. Our country will never be the greatest country anymore. Our country is being destroyed from within and these people (leftist) are the ones doing it. Right now they have brainwashed people into believing they are better off under Biden (Obama) but once they are through with using you, they will have no use for you. It’s happened before so don’t think it can’t happen again. Why do you think Biden has open borders? So he has cartels, people from other countries prisons to come here and kill innocent people. They are doing his work. Biden is an evil, corrupt, unpatriotic person who is destroying America. His greed for power, control and money is what he wants, all of us mean NOTHING to him.

  3. Look at that picture, her mouth is so big it almost engulfs her head. It is a waste to even call her a politician. She as a representative for the black community is shameful. She is a very corrupt politician, look at how she made her wealth. Stealing homes from others.

  4. You are absolutely correct PurePurple! There are not enough Conservatives in Congress that have balls enough to fight the Communists and RINOS. Most GOP are not Conservative and sell their soul to the devil. People need to wake up! God Bless America! VOTE TRUMP!

  5. The liberal left democrats want what’s yours, they don’t care how they get it. They will lie, cheat and steal to get votes and they will go to whatever lengths to get what is yours. President Trump says in his speeches that they are going after all of us but he is standing in the way to protect us, that’s the reason they hate him so much. Let us all show President Trump we appreciate his courage in this election and give him a victory he very much deserves. Vote Trump 2024!!! MAGA!!

  6. The minute anyone from either party steps foot into Washington, D.C. they sell their souls to Lucifer. He owns D.C. and the people. Maxine is the worst of the worst. I would like to see the earth open and the fires of hell swallow them all up.

  7. Goodness – will you look at the size of Watters’ mouth. A jackass could fit in that thing. What has she been doing?

  8. Every time one of these leftist idiots speaks, the Republicans gain voters. Waters and other morons from her party should study the old adage “Better to remain silent and have people think you’re stupid than to speak and remove all doubt”.


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